There are over six thousand people on the UK organ transplant waiting list, and every day roughly three people die due to lack of available organs. One donor can help up to nine people by donating their organs, and many more through tissue donation. 90% of people say they are in favour of organ donation, but only 35% have joined the register. Therefore, there is a clear need for an increase in both organ donation, and access to organ donation sign up forms.
The project leader will share responsibility for directing the group through the year 2024-25, exploring various avenues of promoting blood and organ donation.
- Ensure that all Society members read, understand, sign, and adhere to We Are Donors Policies and Procedures. They must also sign to acknowledge this.
- Ensure the Local Committee contains officers named in the Constitution section “Society Officials”, and recruiting these Team Leads at UCL.
- Prompt communication with the national We Are Donors Committee.
- Liaise with your university to ensure the integration of this group into UCL policies.
- Identify the contact details of schools (this role may be delegated or shared with the Liaison Lead).
- Run the We Are Donors group at UCL.
- Communicate with other Leads in your group.
- Take responsibility for group assets.
- Prepare the end of year report submitted to the National Steering Committee.
- Organise the annual general meeting
- Overall success of the We Are Donors UCL.
- Any other duties as agreed by the Committee.