Maternity Mates service recognises and supports the rights of all women to have a positive experience throughout pregnancy and childbirth. The aim of this pioneering and exciting project is to provide one-to-one practical and emotional support to expectant mothers throughout the latter stages of pregnancy, childbirth, and the first few weeks of family life.
It is hard to comprehend how difficult it is to be unsupported during pregnancy and childbirth. The experience of these months influence and stay with the family for a lifetime. The Maternity Mates project aims to help to make this positive and life enhancing experience.
To give the mother-to-be practical and emotional support, before, during and after the baby is born, including:
- Calling, Video-calling or texting her on regular basis as mutually agreed.
- Meet or visit her if mutually agreed, observing social distancing in line with Governmental guidelines.
- Jointly attend antenatal classes and appointments, if required.
- Provide information on birth planning and pain relief options.
- Act as birth partner if appropriate – support throughout the labour and birth.
- Information and support around breastfeeding.
- Advocate for her if necessary or appropriate.
- Give encouragement and motivation.
- Respect her wishes;
- Signpost and/or enable her to access appropriate services and/or specialist groups.
- To be able to develop positive relationships with the mum-to-be, the Maternity Mates team, and other health professionals
- Keep all information confidential and all records up-to date.
- Keep in touch with Maternity Mates staff and attending sessions with staff.
- Follow WHFS’ policies, procedures, boundaries, and report any safeguarding issue to the Maternity Mates team.
- Attend organisational mandatory training (Personal Safety/Lone working and Safeguarding)