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Bookmark Reading Charity
About Bookmark Bookmark exists to change children’s life stories through the joy of reading. We partner with schools to develop whole school reading cultures and to provide one-to-one reading support.For the children who need us, we’re changing their story.  

About Bookmark

Bookmark exists to change children’s life stories through the joy of reading. We partner with schools to develop whole school reading cultures and to provide one-to-one reading support.

For the children who need us, we’re changing their story. 


About the role

Each year, one in four children leave primary school unable to read well and disadvantaged children are disproportionately affected. Struggling to read can contribute to poor educational attainment, lower literacy in adulthood and has even been linked to a lower life expectancy. 

Bookmark volunteers spend one hour a week reading stories and playing games with a child aged between five and ten years old, on our secure online platform or at a local school. For a list of our face-to-face areas, please visit our website here: https://www.bookmarkreading.org/f2f-schools-list

 The programme involves two 30-minute sessions a week with the same child, for six weeks. You book your programme through the Bookmark Volunteer Hub and select sessions at times that work with your schedule.

“It was such a wonderful experience. I was very happy knowing that I was helping someone. The child really improved a lot during the 6 weeks. It was really rewarding for me to see the improvement.” — Joe, Bookmark volunteer


Why volunteer with Bookmark?

New government data shows that attainment fell further for poorer pupils this year which has widened the attainment to the largest it has been in 10 years.  

As a Bookmark volunteer, you’ll help to bridge this gap. You’ll:

  • Help children who struggle with their reading gain essential skills at a crucial age. This will prepare them to move up the school, ready to tackle new challenges without falling further behind. Three quarters of our volunteers noticed their reader become more confident with their reading.
  • Make learning to read fun by bringing your own personality into the sessions and getting to know your reader’s interests. It’s amazing when you introduce a book, comic or poem for the first time that they love! 90% of teachers said that pupils enjoy reading more after our programme.
  • Give a child one-to-one attention and be a role model. Teachers have told us that children really benefit from this dedicated time and found it boosted their self-esteem and confidence as well as their reading. You can read more about this in our Impact Report.

Helping a child with their reading is also really fun and rewarding. Over 60% of our volunteers said their own wellbeing had improved because of volunteering with Bookmark.

Bookmark is committed to promoting a diverse and inclusive community. We aim to create an environment in which all individuals are able to make best use of their skills, free from discrimination or harassment, and in which all decisions are based on merit.

Bookmark is an equal opportunities employer, and we welcome applications from all sections of society and communities we operate in.

Bookmark is committed to safeguarding and promoting the well-being and welfare of children and requires everyone associated with the charity, including all trustees, employees and volunteers to share this commitment.

If you are interested in applying, please head to our website here: https://www.bookmarkreading.org/volunteer


Main duties and objectives

  • Help children who struggle with their reading gain essential skills at a crucial age. This will prepare them to move up the school, ready to tackle new challenges without falling further behind. Three quarters of our volunteers noticed their reader become more confident with their reading.
  • Make learning to read fun by bringing your own personality into the sessions and getting to know your reader’s interests. It’s amazing when you introduce a book, comic or poem for the first time that they love! 90% of teachers said that pupils enjoy reading more after our programme.
  • Give a child one-to-one attention and be a role model. Teachers have told us that children really benefit from this dedicated time and found it boosted their self-esteem and confidence as well as their reading. You can read more about this in our Impact Report.
After applying, we will send you a link to complete our online training to help you feel confident about volunteering. There is also lots of ongoing support from our Volunteers Team as well as various extra resources.

Time commitment

Bookmark volunteers are required to complete 3 reading programmes a year. One reading programme consists of 2x 30 minutes sessions a week for a period of 6 weeks.

UCL Departments

This organisation is one of our community partner organisations.

Like all volunteer recruiters we work with, they have signed up to our service standards, agreeing to abide by our policy on partnership working to keep you safe and supported whilst you volunteer.

You’ll never be out of pocket for volunteering through us – with in-London travel expenses to and from your volunteering guaranteed.

In addition, the team here at Students’ Union UCL Volunteering Service is here to support you throughout your volunteering journey – you can get in touch with us at any time.