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“I have implemented the first ever LLM Academic Buddy Scheme. The aim of the programme was to assist civil law students in smoothly transitioning into the common law system. Mentors were LLM students who have finished their undergraduate degree in the common law system. They were paired with 2-3 mentees, LLM students coming from civil law background. With just under 80 signups, the programme has proven to be a resounding success. This programme has also helped students build connections with peers who weren’t studying the same specialisation as them.”
– Laws Rep

"I proposed the need for a more structured mentoring program. At the time of raising, the mentor scheme had sporadic engagement and highly variable attendance and perceived utility. I suggested that a more structured set of sessions, with desired content driven by new students and 1st/2nd year students would help to design a program that provides more relevant info for 1st year students, while also helping mentors to do their role more effectively. This idea was followed up, with the department contacting previous mentors that adopted this approach on a personal basis for advice and assistance in designing this program."
– Geography Rep

"We mentioned on the fact the transition mentor really helps us on the first term, and we would like to have it for the second term as well. Although its impossible for this year, however the next year freshers will have transition mentors for 2 terms. Thats a good outcome for me."
– Biosciences Rep

"The biggest achievement of this year as reps was the implementation of a student driven iBSc booklet that offers insight into all the iBSc's at UCL along with student satisfaction and things to expect."
- Cardiovascular Sciences Rep

"Students were voicing their concerns about 'being forgotten about' as alumni. They were concerned that our cohort had not spent enough bonding time together, and had had vital networking opportunities taken away from then due to the distance learning. The department have since organised an Alumni panel for the MSc Management cohort. There are also more employer/career engagement sessions coming up as a result."
- School of Management Rep

"Students not starting in September didn't receive the intro to the department info they needed. I raised this at the SSCC. All the information is now on Moodle and updated by the PhD admin regularly, new students are directed there when starting in the department. Other ideas included a departmental mentoring scheme and a PhD away day which are ideas that should be continued to be developed next year."
- Geography Rep

"This year, I have improved administration within the department, more specifically with module selection. It has been great to see that SSEES has now introduced a system with videos about each module"

"I made a timetable per week as everyone was quite confused with clashing information, as a result, it helped ease people into the course."
- Biosciences rep

"With this being the first time a cohort would be graduating from a programme, some information regarding the final degree and classification were incomplete. This was clarified after liaising with staff."
- School of Architecture Rep

"I worked alongside the first year rep to introduce weekly student-led freshers’ video socials to provide an equally accessible safe space for students to make friends, directly communicate with each other and us (the reps)."
- Chemistry Rep