Student life needs student leaders Put yourself forward 

The Union and UCL provide a lot of different ways to complete most tasks, and there are lots of other cloud services available online as well. Look below for quick links to the best solutions for Union staff to help point you in the right direction. Any queries on any of them, please contact [email protected].

Please note where we advise not to use certain tools - this could be because of lack of available support, overlap with existing better-supported services, or data protection and security risks. 

So, if you want to...

Talk to a colleague

Slack for quick chats - read more

Teams chat for quick chats -

Teams calls (audio/video) for impromptu meetings -

E-mail via Outlook - as normal

For any of these, make sure to check their status as they may not be online - you may not get an immediate response.

Note different staff have different preferences or processes, so some staff may e.g. not use Slack but prefer Teams, or e.g. requires e-mail over any other method.

Do not use: social media messaging platforms like Whatsapp or Facebook

Talk to a student

It is preferred to use E-mail via Outlook to talk to students.

For meetings, use Teams calls (audio/video).

Do not use: social media messaging platforms like Whatsapp or Facebook

Manage communication for a specific project or role

Shared mailbox via Outlook - multiple users can access the same inbox; request via [email protected]

Teams team - (for internal projects)

Slack channel - (for internal projects)

Do not use: personal accounts where the role could be shared across multiple people

Run an online meeting

Teams meetings


Zoom Webinar for larger meetings - 

If using other platforms, ensure they are data protection compliant, and don't store sensitive attendee information, chats or files.

Run a survey

Create a webform on our site - see Website guide - Webforms

Use our SurveyMonkey account - join #surveys on Slack, and log in via the password in the channel description

Don't use: Google forms; other survey tools

Collect student data

Create a webform on our site - see Website guide - Webforms

Other options:

  • Office 365 forms
  • Use our SurveyMonkey account - join #surveys on Slack, and log in via the password in the channel description

Don't use: Google forms; other survey tools

Manage a submission process

Create a webform on our site and enable 'Workflow' - see Website guide - Webforms, 'Webform workflows'

Don't use: Google forms; other survey tools

Share a document with collaborators

Microsoft Office 365 - from within a document in Microsoft Office on browser or in the desktop app, click 'Share' in the top right

Don't use: Google Drive, Dropbox

Share a file

UCL Drop Box for secure file transfer -

Upload the file into a Teams Team - internal to UCL/Union, upload into 'Files' tab or via SharePoint

Slack - share into a private channel e.g. for the project

If small enough, E-mail via Outlook

Do not use: Dropbox

Share sensitive information

UCL Drop Box for secure file transfer -

Do not use: Google Drive, Dropbox

Store files for own work

N:/ drive - where your files are stored by default on UCL devices -

Do not use: Evernote, Google Drive, Dropbox

Store files to be shared/collaborated on with other staff

S:/ drive -

Microsoft Teams team

Do not use: Google Drive, Dropbox

Take notes

OneNote - online at and on desktop

Do not use: Evernote, Google Drive, Dropbox

Book appointments

Microsoft Bookings - Free and integrated with Outlook, UCL directory, etc.

Appointments functionality on our website - see Appointment booking guide and contact to get your appointment type set up

Calendly - Free version of - sign in via Office 365 to integrate with your calendar

Run a live stream

StreamYard - - discuss with Student Activities and Marketing, then join the #streamyard channel on Slack