Students' Union UCL London Living Wage Employer

All student who work for Students' Union UCL are paid the London Living wage.

The LLW as at November 2019 is £10.75 per hour.

Job Titles


Hourly rate

Basic Rate






Licensed & Qualified (Bar/Gym only)



Basic Rate: This is the minimum hourly rate to be paid.


This rate should only be applied to student staff shifts where specific supervisory responsibility is required and there is isn’t any non-student staff on shift OR where technical expertise is required.  In both cases the specific posts must have prior approval of the Head of Operations.


Licensed & Qualified

This rate applies to fully trained Bar/Gym Supervisors, working a shift where there is isn’t a non-student staff on shift. The individual must provide qualifications to the HR Advisor at time of appointment. (Otherwise normal supervisory rate will apply)



Wages are paid one month in arrears and payment in lieu of holiday will be added to earnings each month (approximately an additional 12.07% of total earned)

For example, this means the hours for the month ending 31 August are paid with the accrued holiday pay on 30 September.