Active Student Partnership Amazing Support Staff Brilliant Research-Based Education Diverse & Inclusive Education Excellent Personal Tutoring Exceptional Feedback Inspiring Teaching Delivery Outstanding Research Supervision 

The Student Choice Awards are a way for students to thank amazing members of staff, and let them know that their hard work makes a difference. Students’ feedback about the kind of education that works for them also enables the Union to work with UCL to spread examples of best-practice.

Nominations for the 2023 Student Choice Awards ran from Friday 10 February to Friday 24 March.

A total of 936 nominations were received across the nine award categories, for 478 individual members of staff.

The Roll of Honour below includes all staff members who received a nomination for each of the nine awards.

A shortlist of two to four staff members for each award was announced on Wednesday 19 April, and the nine award winners will be announced on Wednesday 7 June as part of the Education Awards Ceremony.

Active Student Partnership

The award for Active Student Partnership gives students the opportunity to thank a member of staff who’s committed to listening to and working with students and their representatives to improve and change education at UCL.

Adam Cooper

Adam Parker

Adrian Brown

Alex Norori-McCormac

Alexa Richardson

Andrea Gauthier

Andrew Batchelor

Aneesha Singh

Anil Doshi

Antigone Gkaravella

Aradhna Kaushal

Arya Nousheh Moore

Arya-nousheh Moore

Arya-Nousheh Moore

Chris Yates

Conner Shannon Welty

Damian Phelan

Dan Honig

Danny Armitage

Denes Stefler

Dima Khazem

Efrosyni Konstantinou

Efstathia Papada

Emma Sumner

Evi Katsapi

Fabien Cante

Fiona Reid

Gai Jorayev

Georgia Pavlopoulou

Hannah Timlin

Helen Brown Coverdale

Ioannis Papaioannou

Jacqueline Nicholls

Jane Ray

Jane Simmonds

Jean-Christophe Mauduit

Jim Labisko

Joana Jacob Ramalho

John Labbadia

Karina Andersson

Katalin Straner

Kate Roll

Kathryn Ball

Katie Hemer

Kell Jones

Keri Ka-Yee Wong

Kyoo Kim

Laila Kadiwal

Mark Kristiansen

Matt Somerville

Matthew Jones

Michelle De Haan

Miguel Perez-Millans

Nathan Davies

Nathan Thomas

Pranjal Mehta

Raluca-Ioana Lazarescu

Ramin Nassehi

Ramona Gonczol

Rashmi Mathew

Regehr, Kaitlyn

Renata Peters

Rhonda Booth

Richard Day

Ruolin Hu

Sarah Correia

Sarah Harvey

Shaun Foley

Suzanne Beeke

Suzy Buckley

Tom Western

Vicki McGrath

Wei Miao

Zoe Gallant

Amazing Support Staff

The award for Amazing Support Staff allows students to thank a member of staff who isn’t in a teaching role, but still makes a huge difference to their learning with their help, patience and care.

Adam Parker

Alexa Richardson

Alison Mirpuri

Amrit Bhakar

Andrew Batchelor

Ann Walker

Anna Casey

Antoine Vernet

Barbara Strong

Brian Amorim Cabaco

Charlotte Newman

Choy Wong

Claire Moseley

Conner Welty

Cook Anna

Crisan Cosette

Efrosyni Konstantinou

Eimear Hurley

Elizabeth Baquedano

Emma Leighton

George Burridge

Helen Bedford

Helen Pascoe

James Allie

Jill Norman

Jolanta Skorecka

Judy Medrington

Julia Sladen

Karen Scott

Katherine Irwin

Kathryn Ball

Katie Hemer

Katie Meheux

Kristen Kreider

Louise Grimmett

Lynne Chave

Mark Anthony Sterling

Mark Kristiansen

Maxim Chesnokov

Munya Saati

Natasha Kennedy

Nathan Davies

Nephtali Marina-Gonzalez

Nick Watts

Patrick Bailey

Philip De Grouchy

Pippa Bark-Williams

Rafael Schacter

Raluca-Ioana Lazarescu

Ramin Nassehi

Richard Edwards

Ruolei Zhu

Saïd/Syed the Security Guard

Sarah Bathie

Sarah Davenport

Saurabh Singh

Stephanie Mendoza

Suzanne Barrett

Sylvia Rachedi

Taran Baragwanath

Toby Nicholas

Tone Walford

Tracey Philipson

Xiaoyu Jia

Saiid Omar

Jeffrey Saddington-Wiltshire

Brilliant Research-Based Education

This award is for students to thank a member of staff who educates them about the latest, cutting-edge knowledge, or who enables taught students to create knowledge by conducting their own research.

Ad Neeleman

Adam Parker

Adrian Slee

Alexandr Kulakov

Alireza Mani

Anand Anandalingam

Andrea Gauthier

Bart Vanneste

Cayman Williams

Claudia Naeser

Corinna Estrada

Delphine Fremondeau

D'Reen Struthers

Evangelos Markopoulos

Gabriel Galea

Gavin Arno

Graham Penn

Guanjie He

Hend Abdelhakim

Jack Blumenau

Janos Kriston-Vizi

John Labbadia

John Swettenham

Kaitlyn Regehr

Kazuya Saito

Keri Wong

Laura Crane

Louise Cramer

Maria Yamak

Mark Kristiansen

Mark Roberts

Martins Paparinskis

Matt Fisher

Michael Veale

Paula Alexandre

Peter Braga

Peter Thisted Dinesen

Ramin Nassehi

Rasmus Nilsson

Simon Gaisford

Simon Macdonald

Suzy Buckly

Tom Hawkins

Wayne Holmes

Miles Tufft

Diverse & Inclusive Education

The award for Diverse & Inclusive Education allows student to recognise staff who work to make sure their curriculum or research recognises marginalised scholars, and shines a light on diverse perspectives.

Adam Parker

Amanda Ince

Anne Peasey

Chris Yates

Gareth Wood

Georgia Pavloupolou

Jennifer Rode

Kadiwal, Laila

Kristen Kreider

Laila Kadiwal

Mark Kristiansen

Raluca-Ioana Lazarescu

Ramin Nassehi

Samantha Keyes

Thomas Penfold

Vitor teixeira

Xine Yao

Zoe Gallant

Sammy Keyes

Excellent Personal Tutoring

The award for Excellent Personal Tutoring gives students the opportunity to thank a member of staff who is always there to provide them with pastoral support or academic guidance.

Aaron Hiltner

Adam Parker

Adine Adonis

Aleksandra Gentry-Maharaj

Alexander Kulakov

Alexandra Lewis

Andrew Nevins

Angela Cooper

Arya Nousheh-Moore

Beatrice Sica

Beatriz Armendariz

Borja Legarra Herrero

Caroline Pelletier

Chris Howard

Chris Yates

Colin Willetts

Cosette Crisan

Dagmar Paulus

Daisy Anne Loyd

Damian Phelan

David Mallows

David Thornalley

Denes Stefler

Elizabeth Herbert

Elvira Mambetisaeva

Emily Midouhas

Emma Jones

Eva Krumhuber

Fiona John

Francesca Brady

Frank Witte

Gabriel Moshenska

Geraniou Eirini

Giulia Pellizzari

Grace Auld

Guido Spano

Hans van Wees

Harriet Shannon

Helen Brown-Coverdale

Hidekazu Kurebayashi

Iacopo Gronchi

Jack Saunders

James Agar

James Steele

Jane Gilbert

Jane Simmonds

Jeffery Annie

Jelena Sakure

Jennifer Rode

Jess Bailey

Jo Taylor

Jon Chandler

Joshua McLoughlin

Justin Wang

Kenna Worthington

Laura Crane

Lena Ciric

Lorenzo Incoronato

Marie-Annick Moreau

Mark Freeman

Mark Kristiansen

Matt Somerville

Mayowa Dada

Megan Arnot

Merle Mahon

Miriam McBreen

Mutlu Cukurova

Nicholas Wollaston

Patrick Quinn

Phillip M. Ayoub

Ralitsa Madsen

Ramona Gonczol

Ranjita Dhital

Rebecca Kerr

Rebecca Lacey

Richard Beatson

Robert Simpson

Robin Jacob

Rosalind Potts

Ruolin Hu

Sarah Correia

Sarah Rowe

Shaun Foley


Stacy Hackner

Stan de Ruijter van Steveninck

Stephen Potts

Suzy Buckley

Thiru Surentheran

Tim Wickson

Tina Shah

Tom Haward

Ulrike Sommer

Vincent Walsh

Vitor De Sousa Teixeira

Wilton Lodge

Xiaoyu Jia

Claudia Naeser

Maddalena Italia

Alinda Damsma

Exceptional Feedback

This award gives students the chance to thank members of staff who provide constructive, useful feedback on their assessment and learning, helping them to progress and succeed.

Aaron Hiltner

Adam Parker

Amanda Ince

Amos Paran

Amy Dunn

Blanca Gomez Garcia

Caroline Pelletier

Charles Inskip

Christopher Howard

Christos Bechlivanidis

Claire Colomb

Danielle D'Lima

Dave Philip Edwards

Duygu Ozdemir

Georgina Brewis

Gideon Sappor

Harriet Shannon

Hodgen Jeremy

Ioannis Papaioannou

Jackie Thomas

James White

Jennie Grassly

Jill Saunders

Jim McKinley

Joana Jacob Ramalho

John Wilesmith

Lily Chang

Louise Cramer

Louise Dash

Mark Kristiansen

Matt Fisher

Mike Porter

Oscar Ignacio Perello Perez

Paul Mansell

Rachel Rees

Ruolin Hu

Wei Miao

Wilton Lodge

Yan Gu

Yuxin Su

Inspiring Teaching Delivery

The award for Inspiring Teaching Delivery allows students to thank a member of staff who delivers exceptional teaching, using innovative and engaging methods to hold their interest and help them to learn.

Aeli Roberts

Alan Renwick

Alejandra Beghelli Zapata

Alexandr Kulakov

Alireza Mani

Anand Anandalingam

Anastasia Kalea

Andrew Holliman

Anil Doshi

Anne Peasey

Bart Vanneste

Beatriz Navarro Lameda

Blaine Landis

Carlos Galera

Carolyn McGettigan

Carrie Ryan

Cathy Elliott

Chris Carignan

Christabel Cane

Christopher Howard

Claire Colomb

Claire Ellul

Colin Marx

Colin Willetts

Conner Welty

Cosette Crisan

Cristian Espinosa

Damian Phelan

Dan Honig

Daniel Richardson

Daniela Ford

Danielle D'Lima

David Hewett

David Skuse

Davide Zufacchi

Dean Willis

Deborah Lee

Dima Khazem

Donald Peebles

Dr Mani

D'Reen Struthers

Edward Gillin

Eirini Koutoumanou

Elaine Boyd

Elinor Ashgrove

Emily Clifford

Emily McTernan

Farhang Tahmasebi

Fern Elizabeth Pannell

Fotini Diamantidaki

Frances Bodger

Frank Witte

Freya Lygo-Frett

Gai Jorayev

Georgia pavlopoulou

Giorgia Santilli

Giulia Pellizzari

Hannah Cooper

Harriet Shannon

Hu, Ruolin

Iacopo Gronchi

Ian Freestone

Isidoros Strouthos

Jack Blumenau

Jack Hume

Jack Saunders

Jacqueline Nicholls

James Ford

Jared Finnegan

Jas Kalra

Jean-Christophe Mauduit

Jennifer Hall

Jess Bailey

Joana Jacob Ramalho

Joe Penny

John Filling

John Gray

John Labbadia

Jon Chandler

Joost Rietveld

Jorayev, Gai

Joseph Devlin

Julian Ashwin

Julie Norman

Kate Quinn

Kate Roll

Kate Shobbrook

Kesewa John

Kevin MacDonald

Khalid Sheikh

Kim Youngjin

Kulvinder Nagre

Laura Crane

Lauren Hassan-Leslie

Leslie Gutman

Lewis Daly

Lily Chang

Louis Dennington

Louise Kedroff

Louise Martin

Lucy Pepper

Lucy Sibun

Maarten Speekenbrink

Malcolm Pemberton

Marcos Vera Gernandez

Mariana Pereira

Mark Evans

Mark Kristiansen

Mat Page

Matt Fisher

Matteo Salvalaglio

Matthew Springett

Max Bartolo

Megan Arnot

Miles Tuft

Milica Vukmanovic-Stejic

Mine Dogucu

Nadipi Reddy, Prabhav

Nathan Davies

Nauro Campos

Nicola Abbott

Nils Metternich

Oksana Pyzik

Paola Pedarzani

Paul Wordsworth

Pavlo Zubko

Pedro Ferreira

Peter Postl

Peter Zusi

Petros Syrris

Pippa Cowles

Rachael Sparks

Rachel Bowlby

Rachel Rees

Rafael Chiaravalloti

Raluca-Ioana Lazarescu

Ramin Nassehi

Rana Khalife

Rashmi Mathew

Rebecca Mace

Rhonda Booth

Richard Pearson

Robb McDonald

Robert Simpson

Roberto D'Onofrio

Rodolfo Catena

Ruolei Zhu

Ruolin Hu

Saladin Meckled-Garcia

Sally Davenport

Sarabajaya Kumar

Sarah Koushyar

Sarah Quinnell

Shaun Foley

Stephen Dewitt

Stephen Quirke

Steve Jones

Steven Papachristou


Stuart Tannock

Tamar Garb

Tejendra Pherali

Terry Soo

Thomas Nathan

Thomas Penfold

Tom O'Grady

Uma Pradhan

Valerie Lechene

Virginia Mantouvalou

Waseem Ahmed

Wayne Holmes

Wei Cui

Wei Miao

Will Brehm

Wilton Lodge

Xiaoyu Jia

Xine Yao

Youngjin Kim

Zhenyi (Jenny) Huang

Zoe Hyman

Outstanding Research Supervision

The award for Outstanding Research Supervision is for staff who help postgraduate research students to succeed, balancing providing support and fostering independence.

Adrian Slee

Anil Doshi

Anna Romualdez

Antoine Vernet

Beatrice Baudet

Bruce Paton

Caroline Pelletier

Cayman Williams

Chris Yates

Christopher Howard

Cornelius Katonas

Cosette Crisan

Dallas Roulston

David Gems

D'Maris Coffman

Elizabeth Baquedano

Elizabeth Graham

Enrico Mariconti

Esfandiar Burman

Eva G. Krumhuber

Gai Jorayev

Gareth Wood

Gergely Bartl

Guanjie He

Ingrid Boccardi

James Reading

James Steele

Jeanne Wolstencroft

John Labbadia

Judy Stephenson

Laila Kadiwal

Louise Kedroff

Madeleine Verriotis

Maria Del Pilar Acedo Nunez

Marion Davidson

Mark Kristiansen

Matt Fisher

Matt Somerville

Matt Sydes

Michael Charlton

Michael Reiss

Micol Falabella

Miriam McBreen

Mohammad Shamsudduha

Morgan Candia

Nikki Shure

Paul Groves

Penny Rapaport

Peter Jones

Rachel Morley

Rafael Chiaravalloti

Rob Higham

Ruolin Hu

Sabrina Simoncelli

Samiran Ray

Sherry Nakhaeizadeh

Simon Day

Stefan Guldin

Susan Collins

Tim Neumann

Wei Miao

Yuan He

Joshua Bradley

Sustainable Education

The award for Sustainable Education is for staff who is leading the way on embedding sustainability into the curriculum and shaping our future climate leaders.

Christopher Howard

Mina Vasalou

Roberto Filippi

Tristan McCowan

The names above are based on the spellings provided by students when they submitted their nominations. For any corrections please email Jake Simms at