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The UCL Volunteering Service’s Student-Led Volunteering Programme supports UCL students to set up and deliver volunteering projects in partnership with community organisations.  

We would like to support our Student-Led Projects (SLPs) to deliver activities tailored towards the needs of your organisation and have recently introduced a scheme whereby we support UCL students to run Organisation-Led Projects. Through this scheme, community organisations and schools have the opportunity to submit ideas for Student-Led Projects that they would like our students to run for their organisation. This is a unique opportunity to provide your beneficiaries with access to UCL students and for you to tailor the project to your current needs. 

Each Student-Led Project that we support has the opportunity to apply for up to £500 worth of funding, access to our safeguarding training as well as support from an advisor to help them with the development of their project.  All that we ask is that there is a dedicated contact within your organisation that the Project Leaders can liaise with and that you allow the Project Leaders the opportunity to have some input into the decision making for the project. 

If you are interested in discussing a project proposal or have any questions, please email Cynthia Allen at cynthia.allen@ucl.ac.uk

SLP Partners News

"... you can’t put a price on their intergenerational interaction."
We had a conversation with Linda, the Customer Partnerships and Sponsorship Manager at One Housing Care and Support.
"We were happy to support the students that have a wonderful vision..."
We had a conversation with Farrah from the Lifeafterhummus Community Benefit Society. They have been working with the Student-Led Project Zero Food Waste to reduce food waste on the UCL campus.
"... the kids would get a lot of joy out of it"
Charlotte from Hopscotch Women’s Centre spoke to us about their collaboration with the Student-Led Project UCL Student Hospital Fun Team.
"It made a huge impact on the students, they were all grateful and really enjoyed it"
London Screen Academy has been partnered up with the Student-Led Project UCL Sexpression.