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Pride 2020 - 3rd-7th February

According to a recent report by the National Union of Students:
38% of LGBT+ students participating in sport at their university or college aren’t out with teammates and coaches.
1 in 7 students are put off participating in sport at university because of homophobia, biphobia or transphobia.
47% of LGBT+ students who do not participate in sport find the culture around sport alienating or unwelcoming.

The full NUS report can be found here.

Pride in Sport is a joint campaign between TeamUCL and the LGBT+ Network, aiming to tackle Homo/Bi/Trans-Phobias in sports, and create a welcoming environment for anybody to participate in the sports community at UCL regardless of gender or sexuality.

The campaign focuses on changing attitudes amongst current members, through providing training to club leaders on ensuring their activities are accessible, and through this training Clubs can earn a Pride in Sport Accreditation. Accredited clubs will be allowed to use the Pride in Sport badge on their webpages, kits and any other marketing to signpost their inclusivity.


Part of this pledge requires that each club nominates a representative who will receive training on both ensuring that their activities are accessible, and on how to deal with any complaints.

This representative’s purpose is to be the dedicated point of contact for any person, either within or outside the club, to discuss the club’s accessibility and to take any complaints should they arise. They are trained in handling these complaints, and will know the system for escalating any issues, if this is required.

Pride week 2019

  • 65 club reps attended our Pride in Sport training
  • 136 students attended Gender Neutral sports activity organised by 6 clubs
  • The hashtag #prideinteamucl got 3430 likes across the week on Instagram
  • 33 students attended the photo outside the Portico