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How Network Committee Positions Work:

With the following descriptions, they have been made "generic" to apply to all Network committees. This is so the information is easier for you to find.

Each committee will have at least three positions, including:

  • Secretary
  • Social Secretary
  • Welfare Officer

After this, there is commonly Community and Inclusion Representatives for communities not represented by the title of the Network and the convening officer of the Network (the relevant Community and Inclusion Officer). These communities are:

  • POC
  • Disabled
  • LGB+
  • Trans
  • Women

So, for example; the Disabled Students' Network may have a POC, LGBQ+, Trans and Women representative, but no Disabled Students' Representative as this network is already headed by the Disabled Students' Officer. Additionally, some committees will have additional roles to suit the needs of their community, as shown below in the available slots.

After this, comes any further positions the Network Committee may request. You can request a new position be added to your committee by emailing [email protected].

Committee Positions

Committee Positions (Specialised)