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Student-Led projects acquire all sorts of equipment in the course of their work – teddy bears, violins, books, gardening equipment and more!

All equipment that you purchase for your project is the property of Students’ Union UCL and should be carefully looked after. There are four things you need to think about with equipment:

  • Storage - space at the Volunteering Service is very limited, so always check with your Project Supervisor before purchasing anything. Your equipment will be kept in one of our storage areas in the Lewis’s Building. Some projects use storage facilities at their community partners – if this is an option for you, please ensure that the equipment is clearly labelled “Students’ Union UCL Volunteering Service” and is stored somewhere secure.

  • Maintenance - please keep your equipment in good condition, to minimise the need to replace it more often than necessary.

  • Inventories - it is essential that you keep an inventory of your equipment. At the start of the year, do a stock check and record what you have. Add any new equipment to the inventory as you purchase it. At the end of the year, check your stock against the list, and note anything that has gone missing or has become damaged.

  • Insurance - Your project’s equipment belongs to Students’ Union UCL and as such is insured by the Union. However, if you are hiring or borrowing equipment, this won’t be covered - you must therefore speak to your Project Supervisor about arranging short term insurance. You must keep equipment securely locked away when not in use. Theft from unsecured areas, and from motor vehicles, is normally excluded from insurance cover.