Browse all the candidates in the Leadership Race 

At ReachOut2All CIC we are all about giving young people a voice through their talents and work with various age groups 13 - 30yrs old. We have a board of 16 young directors, young people inspire us, act as role models and ensure that we reflect their lived experiences. We facilitate for young people to host workshops on topics that are important to them.

We will continue to partner with our young people to amplify their voices and take the necessary steps needed in order for them to be involved in decision making and change by co-creating with them in our discussions (planning, organizing and leading).

Our aim is to continue to invest in our youth-focused ideas, advocate for systems changes that meet young people’s needs. Our values are youth led, inclusive and collaborative.

Our vision is supporting young people and helping them realize that their voice matters (building up their self-esteem and confidence) and reassure them that change they want to see in today’s society is possible through them.

Our services consists of the following below:

  • Mentoring
  • Facilitate workshops
  • Enrichment Trips
  • Train the Trainer Programme - youth led (upcoming)

Apply here to volunteer with us
We are looking for a grants officer that can support us with our funding round of applications.
Workshop Content Creator
We are looking for confident content creators, who would enjoy creating educational and engaging content aimed at young people from the ages of 13 and above.