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Family Friends is a charity that supports families and young people living in Central West London through volunteer befriending services. 

At Family Friends we carefully recruit, train and match volunteers to families and young people. We offer long-term support based on each family’s unique needs and potential. Our volunteers provide support to families and young people facing multiple hardships which may include, mental health, family relationships, finances, and isolation. Through respect, encouragement and support, they aim to help families discover their strengths, build confidence and resolve difficulties. As well as providing much needed emotional support, they help our families on a practical level too. 

Our vision is a future where all families flourish.
Parent Befriender
Parent Befrienders provide support to parents who are often facing multiple hardships.
Big Buddy
Our Big Buddies are inspirational role models who provide support to young people aged 10-18 for a few hours weekly or fortnightly over a period of 6-12 months.