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To provide dedicated, high-quality, user-centred, responsive and professional services to lesbian, gay, bisexual & trans (LGBT+) communities, that aim to preserve, promote & improve mental, emotional, psychological and social health, wellbeing, safety and empowerment, whilst working to challenge and eradicate discrimination and inequalities faced by LGBT+ people, and others questioning &/ or exploring their sexual orientation and/ or gender identity. This ELOP undertakes through the provision of a range of services & activities including: • counselling & therapy services • social & support groups • mental health crisis prevention & support • community safety & victim care • youth groups & schools project • same-sex families service • consultation, training representation & awareness raising • community activities, including a LGBT forum in Tower Hamlets, events & workshop; and • a range of community volunteering opportunities

LGBTQ+ Trans and Non-Binary Youth Mentors
You will be an integral part in supporting trans and non-binary young LGBTQ+ with issues related to their lived experience.
LGBTQ+ Person of Muslim Faith Youth Mentor
Joining elop’s youth mentoring team, you will be part of an enthusiastic and dedicated team who values and appreciates volunteers and the benefit of supporting LGBTQ+ young people.
LGBTQ+ Person of Colour Youth Mentors
You will be an integral part in supporting young LGBTQ+ people of colour with issues related to their lived experience.
Mental Health Volunteer
Developed to be delivered over six structured sessions on a one-to-one basis, a mental health plan helps clients recognise their own resources, identify early signs of distress, share new structure
ReClaim: support for LBT+ women who have experienced domestic, sexual or violence of any kind – Volunteer Co-Facilitator
This group is currently consulting around best days and times for scheduling.
Imago: Trans, Non-Binary Support Group – Volunteer Co-Facilitator
Imago is a peer support group for trans, non-binary and non-cisgender people offering a safe, identity affirming space for support to improve their mental health, emotional and social well-being an
ReCharge Mental Health Support Group – Volunteer Co-Facilitator
This group runs every Friday from 11:00-12:30. It offers a weekly facilitated session for people from the LGBTQ+ community who experience difficulties with their mental health.
ReFit GBT+ Men’s Mental Health Activity Programme – Activity Volunteer
Our identity is important, as is connecting with others like us.
Volunteers Facilitators for elop’s Training & Education Service
elop’s Training and Education Service delivers workshops; training programmes; and consultancy to professionals and organisations working with the LGBT+ community.
Admin Support Volunteer
Volunteering within elop’s mental health team is opportunity to work as part of our professional team providing much needed mental health support to LGBT+ people.  Induction train
18-25 youth Group Volunteer
We’re currently recruiting an 18-25 LGBT+ Group Facilitator to join our amazing and dynamic volunteer team at elop!
Trans, Non-Binary Support Group – Volunteer Co-Facilitator
Imago: Trans, Non-Binary Support Group – Volunteer Co-Facilitator
LGBT+ Group Facilitators Volunteers
We’re currently recruiting LGBT+ Group Facilitators to join our amazing and dynamic volunteer team at elop!