Browse all the candidates in the Leadership Race 

Carers UK is the leading national charity for unpaid carers. We support, advocate for, champion and connect carers across the UK, so that no one has to care alone. 

Every day 12,000 people become carers. Whether round-the-clock or for a few hours a week, in our own home or for someone at the other end of a motorway – caring can have a huge effect on us, our lives and our plans. Many don’t know how or where to get help. It can be frightening and very lonely. 

As a volunteer, we will help you to use your skills to help carers get the support and guidance they need. Along the way, you’ll develop new skills and find opportunities to make new connections. 

Whether you have only a few hours to spare or can make a longer commitment, there will be a valuable part for you to play in making life better for carers. We also have flexible and inclusive roles online and in the community. Visit our website for more details:
Online Awareness Raiser

Many carers now use the internet to help them get to grips with the first stages of their caring role, to find out their entitlements and to access support.
Community Connector
As a Community Connector, you’ll help Carers UK connect with carers and promote awareness of caring by distributing publicity material – such as leaflets and posters – in your local community.
Community Fundraising volunteer
Are you enthusiastic? Are you passionate about
making life better for carers? Do you want to use
your links within your community to help Carers UK
Insight Volunteer
At Carers UK we are constantly working on shaping services and products to support the millions of carers across the UK and the loved ones they look after.