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Grand Junction at St Mary Magdalene’s
Grand Junction at St Mary Magdalene is a community, arts and heritage venue based at St Mary Magdalene’s Church, run by Paddington Development Trust. We deliver an eclectic and collaborative programme of music, arts, performance, and education for young people, families, and adults.

Grand Junction at St Mary Magdalene is a new venue for community, arts and culture based at St Mary Magdalene’s Church, run by Paddington Development Trust.

Our mission is to present an eclectic, collaborative programme of music, arts and performance for young people, families, and adults in our amazing spaces.

Volunteers enable us to do so much more at Grand Junction. We’re looking for passionate, enthusiastic and engaging Marketing and Communications Volunteers to support with the promotion of our community activities and events programme.

We value the contribution that volunteers make to our work. Volunteers in this role will:

  • Receive ongoing training, including a detailed volunteer induction and training specific to the role
  • Receive out-of-pocket travel expenses, up to £10 per shift in accordance with the PDT volunteer policy
  • Receive ongoing support from Grand Junction’s Volunteer Manager, and other Grand Junction staff
  • Be supported to use their volunteering to access employment-focused opportunities, such as advice and signposting, where relevant
  • Be invited to regular volunteer social gatherings, community events, and talks

What you’ll gain

This role is a great opportunity to:

  • Gain on-the-ground experience of using various marketing channels to promote a programme of community activities and events, and increase community engagement
  • Develop new skills and confidence
  • Contribute to the development and delivery of cultural activities for the local community
  • Meet like-minded people, and make friends

Working under the supervision of Grand Junction staff, the Marketing and Communications Volunteer will:

  • Create engaging content to promote our work on social media channels, including Facebook, Twitter and Instagram
  • Schedule posts across all platforms, using HootSuite
  • Manage and respond to direct messages and comments
  • Develop new digital links and relationships with local supporters and organisations
  • Add Grand Junction events to listing websites
  • Produce news articles for the Grand Junction and Paddington Development Trust websites, and write press releases to announce upcoming activities and events
  • Prepare a monthly digital bulletin for Grand Junction supporters
  • Distribute printed promotional materials to local libraries, schools, doctors’ surgeries and community centres, advertising our activities, and keep accurate records
  • Develop links and relationships with local stakeholder organisations
  • Create digital and print promotional materials, such as posters and flyers
  • Conduct research to identify valuable opportunities to spread the word about Grand Junction and the work we do
  • Capture photographs and videos of our activities, and adhere to our image/video consent practices
  • Create listings on online event sites, such as Eventbrite
  • Support Grand Junction to build its mailing lists and social media followers
Who will the volunteers be working with?
Grand Junction staff and volunteers

Time commitment

We ask for a commitment of 3 hours per week, on a weekday, with a level of flexibility. This role can be carried out remotely.

This organisation is one of our community partner organisations.

Like all volunteer recruiters we work with, they have signed up to our service standards, agreeing to abide by our policy on partnership working to keep you safe and supported whilst you volunteer.

You’ll never be out of pocket for volunteering through us – with in-London travel expenses to and from your volunteering guaranteed.

In addition, the team here at Students’ Union UCL Volunteering Service is here to support you throughout your volunteering journey – you can get in touch with us at any time.