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Long Covid Solidarity
The aim of this project is to help people with long covid or chronic fatigue, or their carers family or friends, to find support from other people who are going through the same thing.

My name's Emma and I've had long covid for about two years.

People with long covid are more likely to report that they have no-one to talk to about their worries, that they feel like a burden on others, and that long covid puts a strain on their personal relationships.

This is certainly how I have felt. I didn't speak to anyone else with long covid until about 6 months after I'd been ill, and when I did, it was a transformational conversation. Realising that I wasn't alone and that other people had strategies for management that were helping them was so useful and reassuring.

Now that I have a little bit of energy to spare I am setting up this project with the Students' Union Community Volunteering team to try and help create connections between people who are struggling with long covid and/or chronic fatigue.

The idea is pretty simple - people with long covid provide some basic information about themselves into an online form, and we will match them with someone who they can then get in touch with: via email, phone call, or video call – it’s up to them! It’s also up to them what they talk about and if they choose to have regular catch ups with the person you’re matched with or just want a one-off chat.

Once I have some people signed up, I would also like to consider what other mutual aid/peer support services we could help run, for example, a regular long covid book club, a community newsletter or blog. Other ideas are very welcome!

If you're interested in helping set up a new project to create connections between people with long covid or chronic fatigue, I'd love to hear from you. 






Long Covid Solidarity is a new student led project being set up this academic year. 

In the first term, duties will largely be: 

  • Helping recruit and source appropriate training for volunteers; 
  • Running social events and keeping volunteers engaged;
  • Creating a workable risk assessment and project plan/ other project management documents; 
  • Reaching out to partner organisations who could refer people to the service and support with training; 
  • Creating an accessible and engaging website and social media presence for the project;
  • Helping write guidelines for volunteers, including a safeguarding policy. 

In later terms duties will be: 

  • Supporting volunteers to match people who have signed up to the service with long covid; 
  • Working with volunteers and participants to develop additional online activities to create connections, for example a book club or a newsletter; 
  • Taking action on any safeguarding concerns that arise. 

As a project leader you will have to sign the UCL project leader agreement which details what is expected in terms of behaviour overall (for example promoting understanding, acceptance and inclusion and reporting any safeguarding concerns). There is also a Project Leader Training run by the SU. 


Who will the volunteers be working with?
Adults with long covid or chronic fatigue.
Appropriate training for working with adults with long covid and training around mutual aid and supporting peer-to-peer connections.

Time commitment

This would be a commitment of 2-3 hours a week, including a quick weekly meeting with other leaders to check in on how things are going and divide up tasks.
Application deadline

This is an opportunity offered by a Student-Led Volunteering Project. It is run by UCL students and supported and supervised by staff in Students' Union UCL Volunteering Service.