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Girlguiding St Pancras
What is Girlguiding? Girlguiding is the largest organisation for girls and young women in the UK, with around 600,000 members. Part of a worldwide movement, the organisation enables girls and young women to take an active and responsible role in society through its distinctive, stimulating and enjoyable programme of activities delivered by trained volunteers. What does Girlguiding do? Whatever…

Girlguiding is the UK’s largest charity for girls and young women- through weekly sessions we support girls aged 5-18 to grow in confidence, make new friends and learn new skills. We welcome volunteers to support the girls within their units (groups of 10-30 girls of a similar age who meet weekly) and help to run activities within the support of a team. We also welcome volunteers to share their personal and professional skills with the girls for example running a session about a particular sport or interest! Also, to share skills with the other volunteers to help the running of the wider organisation such as marketing or accounting! Our opportunities are flexible, and we welcome volunteers from all backgrounds.


-Helping with activities and ensuring the safety and wellbeing of children during these activities

-Helping with the administration and financial management of the units

-Supporting local promotion of Girlguiding through online marketing/ social media

Who will the volunteers be working with?
With girls and young women aged 5-18, and other adult volunteers.
All volunteers will undergo recruitment checks with Girlguiding by providing 2 references and will have a DBS check. Girlguiding also provides compulsory safeguarding training and other trainings if you are working with girls such as first aid, support with financial management and lots more.

Time commitment

Our units meet once a week during term time, so we welcome volunteers who would like to attend these meetings. However, we also offer more flexible opportunities that don't require a weekly commitment, with more behind the scenes roles such as supporting with finance, marketing or administration.

This organisation is one of our community partner organisations.

Like all volunteer recruiters we work with, they have signed up to our service standards, agreeing to abide by our policy on partnership working to keep you safe and supported whilst you volunteer.

You’ll never be out of pocket for volunteering through us – with in-London travel expenses to and from your volunteering guaranteed.

In addition, the team here at Students’ Union UCL Volunteering Service is here to support you throughout your volunteering journey – you can get in touch with us at any time.