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Education for Choice UCL
Volunteers will deliver evidence-based workshops on pregnancy decision-making and abortion to school students, which comply with best practice and support key public health objectives. Our workshops encompass the practical aspects of pregnancy decision making including contraception choice and abortion which is evidence-led, non-judgmental and inclusive for all students.

Our workshops encompass the practical aspects of pregnancy decision making including contraception choice and abortion, which is evidence-led, non-judgmental and inclusive for all students.

Our aims include:

● Enabling students to understand the choices available to those facing unintended pregnancy and the factors that influence pregnancy decisions.

● Motivating contraceptive use and encouraging access to appropriate services.

● Increasing empathy for those facing an unintended pregnancy.

● Decreasing the stigma around abortion.

● Developing the communication skills to discuss abortion with parents and health professionals.


Volunteers will deliver evidence-based workshops on pregnancy decision-making and abortion to school students, which comply with best practice and support key public health objectives.

Volunteers will need to:

● Send a copy of their DBS Certificate to the VSU, or apply to obtain one through the VSU.

● Attend a half or one day training session on a weekend or evening.

● Complete VSU Volunteering with Children Training.

● Work with a fellow student/co-facilitator to deliver workshops in local schools.

● Complete feedback and evaluation processes.

● Attend update sessions/read material updates as required.

Who will the volunteers be working with?
Volunteers will be working with co-facilitators and other volunteers from Education for Choice UCL.
Training includes a 2 house workshop on how to deliver the session within schools to students.
We are only able to accept volunteers who belong to the UCL Medical School.

Additionally, volunteers will need to complete the VSU Volunteering with Children course.

Time commitment

Flexible- volunteers can sign up to sessions that suit them :)
Application deadline


UCL Departments

This is an opportunity offered by a Student-Led Volunteering Project. It is run by UCL students and supported and supervised by staff in Students' Union UCL Volunteering Service.