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Welcome to our Opportunity Finder bringing in all our opportunities tagged as ‘ Social Policy Research’ – use the filters to refine your search. You can start your search again by pressing ‘reset’.

You can also go back to view all opportunities, search by skills and view all our online volunteering opportunities.

You’ll need to be logged in to the website using your UCL credentials to make best use of our site. If you’re interested in a role, press ‘register interest’. You’ll then be able to see information about how to apply and it’ll be up to you whether or not to take things forward.

If you notice that information is missing from specific opportunities, or you’d like any support in finding the right volunteering opportunity, please drop us a line at
    Sustainability Research Volunteer
    People & Planet
    People & Planet is looking for volunteers to assist with compiling its 2024/25 People & Planet University League;…
    Research Volunteer (Campaigns and Policy)
    Roma Support Group
    The Roma Policy & Campaigning project aims to promote social justice and address disadvantage experienced by Roma…
    Policy and Campaigns Volunteer
    Roma Support Group
    The Roma Policy & Campaigning project aims to promote social justice and address disadvantage experienced by Roma…
    Development Intern
    We are dynamic and intensely ambitious for our organisation, small and personal but with a VERY big reach.