Browse all the candidates in the Leadership Race 

"... this partnership made me feel braver about taking on other projects"
Laura from Coin Street shares her experience working with Empovthise UCL, a student-led project that focuses on improving technological literacy and achieving digital equity.
"... you can’t put a price on their intergenerational interaction."
We had a conversation with Linda, the Customer Partnerships and Sponsorship Manager at One Housing Care and Support.
" was a celebration of friendship, empowerment, and the joy of coming together as a community"
Spreading Cheer: A Day with UCL Lightning Helping Children Discover Cheerleading Student-Led Projectby Yalin
"We were happy to support the students that have a wonderful vision..."
We had a conversation with Farrah from the Lifeafterhummus Community Benefit Society. They have been working with the Student-Led Project Zero Food Waste to reduce food waste on the UCL campus.
"... the kids would get a lot of joy out of it"
Charlotte from Hopscotch Women’s Centre spoke to us about their collaboration with the Student-Led Project UCL Student Hospital Fun Team.
"...we are empowering parents to be lifesavers in their own communities"
Daivi is starting her 4th year of Medicine studies and has just completed an intercalated BSc in Paediatrics and Child Health. She has been co-leading the Student-Led Project Save a Baby’s Life, which provides infant life-saving skills training to parents and carers.
"I have received lots of mentorship, and I want to give that back"
Kevin just finished his undergraduate degree in Philosophy, Politics, and Economics.
"I am very passionate about dance and I want to share this passion with more people..."
Aneeta is studying an MA in Film Studies and she volunteered with the Student-Led Project DanceIt!
"...seeing how much the students valued the input and advice we were giving them was truly rewarding"
Anais is a second-year medical student; she was one of the Project Leaders for the UCL Next Top Doctor Student-Led Project.
"It feels like we are doing something useful for the environment..."
Nuzulia is a postgraduate student doing an Economics and Policy of Energy and the Environment MSc at the Barlett School of Energy and Environmental Resources.
"We taught children what cheerleading is about..."
Ginevra is a third year Linguistics student and Anastasija is a second year Economics and Business with EES student, together, they are Project Leaders for the UCL Helping Children Discove
"I feel like volunteering gives you a sense of achievement and enjoyment"
Daisy is a second year Psychology student, and she has been doing an amazing job as Project Leader for the #Zero Food Waste SLP, winner for the Student Led Project of the Year award!
"I have learnt so much about fundraising."
Rachel Weller, a first-year student studying Archaeology and Anthropology, walked us through her experience of raising funds for Hope for Children (registered charity number: 1161729). 
"It was really rewarding to see that people care about women's football..."
Lily and Emilia are the Project Leaders for the Girls Can Kick SLP, part of the UCL Women's Football Clu
"I wanted to be a project leader because I really felt connected to what Project Impactive is all about ..."
We had a lovely chat with Kimberley, who is in her third year of Biomedical Engineering studies, and she has been co-leading the SLP Project Impactive.
"I made so many new connections and I would say maybe even friends ..."
Olga is a second year Data Science student; she is also a Project Leader for the UCL Leaders Conference SLP, part of the
"I wanted to lead this specific project because I myself come from a widening participation background"
Niamh is the Project Leader for the iNUGS Widening Participation Scheme project, part of UCL’s
"I was quite impressed by the relationship formed between the volunteers and the young people"
We had a chat with UCL alumni Trista, who was a Project Leader for the SLP Arts for Mental Health while she studied a BA in Education Studies.
I saw how such a simple thing -doing origami- had such a positive impact
Ahad did a BSc in paediatrics and child health and is now in his 5th year of medical school.
"... it's all about teamwork in engineering"
Rachel is a second-year biomedical engineering student at UCL, a few months ago we had a lovely chat with her about her role as a Project Leader for the student-led project Engineers Without Borders (EWB) Outreach