"Working alongside really enthusiastic and driven people left me feeling very fulfilled."
Leina Hatch is an MSc Management Science student in the UCL School of Management.
"It was a very worthy and enjoyable experience"
Yu Liu is a BSc Economics and Statistics student here at UCL. Together with a group of fellow passionate UCL volunteers, she participated in our Social Hackathons to assist one of our partner organisations, KEEN UCL, through remote brainstorming sessions.
"There were great opportunities to collaborate with other students, and we were able to present a tangible solution to a defined problem"
Liyann Ooi is a Postgraduate student in MSc Health Psychology. This November, with a team of other passionate volunteers online, she helped our community partner Business Education Events find ways of digitising their in-person youth prog
"Learning myself whilst also educating others is, in my eyes, the most rewarding form of work."
Ania Vinogradov is a fourth-year student studying BSc Geography.
"One of the best things for me has been meeting new people."
Manasvini Moni is a third-year student studying BSc Human Sciences.
"I would definitely recommend the experience to anyone interested in making a difference for a day. "
Dora Dimitrova is a Fourth Year European International Social and Political Studies student.
"This is a great opportunity to use your skills to volunteer in a meaningful, goal-orientated way in a collaborative environment."
Isabel Scavetta is a Final Year European Social and Political Societies student who participated in last July's Social Hackathons and she has written back to us about her experience - read on for some advice to make the most of your digital hackathons experience. 
"It was an incredibly rewarding experience to see our ideas be brought to life and accepted whole-heartedly by the charity."
Preetnoor Nagi is a 3rd Year Chemistry student and recently participated in our Social Hackathons.
"Every time I would come back from volunteering, I felt less stressed, and happier!"
Cristina Fiani is a third-year Biomedical Engineering student.  She spoke to us about her experience of volunteering with Bookmark and Girls Friendly Society and how the benefits of volunteering goes both ways. 
"Through volunteering, you may discover opportunities you did not know existed."
Yaning is a second-year Population Health with Data Science student at UCL. Recently, she has been volunteering with Med Supply Drive UK. Read on to find out about how she contributed to COVID-19 response efforts and what skills she's gained through volunteering.
"The project was such a wonderful experience. It was challenging, meaningful, and deeply fulfilling"
Leigh Beaulieu is the project leader for the Amnesty International Volunteering Project.
"Volunteering as a mentor has had an overall positive effect on my wellbeing and development."
Ameerah Patel is a third-year Psychology student. She spoke to us about her experience of volunteering with IntoUniversity as a mentor and how the role has honed her leadership and communication skills.
"Using the free time I had for something that I considered meaningful felt productive."
Priyam Deka is a first-year student studying Bsc Population Health and Data Science in the Institute of Epidemiology and Healthcare.
"With COVID-19 threatening to erase the bonds between the members of communities, volunteering has helped me to bring people together"
Sam Huddlestone is a Third Year English Language and Literature student who has been volunteering remotely with Age UK Kensington & Chelsea, a local charity working with and for older people.
"Volunteering can bring you fresh, memorable, and valuable life experiences"
Alessia is a First Year BSc Natural Sciences student who has been volunteering remotely with Age UK Kensington & Chelsea, a local charity working with and for older people.
"Being surrounded by supportive and friendly women was one of my favourite things about volunteering."
Rupa Budha is a second-year Chemistry student, and has been volunteering with the women's charity, Smart Works. Have a read of her story below and find out why she finds it so rewarding to help women get the best start for their careers.
"Volunteering has helped me feel more at home in a foreign country!"
Nashwa Naushad is an MSc student studying Sustainable Urbanism. She's been spending her time helping at one-off events as well as ongoing placements - read her story to find out why she loves volunteering. 
"I wanted to make the most of my preclinical years and do something interesting in the community."
Victoria Ngai is a UCL Medical student and has been volunteering with Age UK Islington to raise awareness about end of life care.
"I wanted to do something productive with the free time I have had because of COVID-19."
Antonio Neves is a first-year medical student and has been volunteering online with Age UK: Kensington and Chelsea.
"Volunteering is a great way to make people happy. It gives me a feeling of giving something back to the community, and that I'm doing something meaningful."
Clara Landes is a third-year European & International Social and Political Studies (ESPS) student and has been volunteering with Zooniverse.