UCL ISD has set up access to most of your important functions and files so you do not need a work laptop to be able to work from home.
A helpful guide by UCL for e-mail, calendar, shared drives and Teams is available at:
Some of this is summarised below, alongside Students' Union specific information like Slack.
If you have any special IT working from home or remote working requirements, contact SU.Systems@ucl.ac.uk for assistance.
- Slack
- Go to https://slack.com/signin or, for a better user experience, you can download and install the Windows app at https://slack.com/intl/en-gb/downloads/windows or the Mac app at https://slack.com/intl/en-gb/help/articles/207677868-Download-Slack-for-Mac.
- Enter 'studentsunionucl' as the workspace and click continue
- Enter your e-mail (probably your full name e-mail like d.kukla@ucl.ac.uk but might be your uczxmke@ucl.ac.uk e-mail) and Slack password (not UCL password) and you should be in.
- In case you forgot your password/ login details you can reset it clicking “forgot password” under the login form.
For guidance on how best to use Slack and Teams as communication and collaboration tools at the Union, see:
- Microsoft Teams
To get Teams set up and to get a bit of an idea of how it works, visit UCL's page at:
For guidance on how best to use Slack and Teams as communication and collaboration tools at the Union, see:
- E-mail and calendar
- To access your personal mailbox via the browser, just visit https://outlook.office365.com/owa/?realm=live.ucl.ac.uk and log in
- You can access shared mailboxes through that this way:
- If the left hand menu doesn't show your name, click on 'More'.
- When it does show your name, right click on your name and select 'Add shared folder...'
- Start typing and select the shared mailbox.
- Click 'Add'. It should appear below your name as a new set of folders to open.
- You can set up Outlook application as well if needed - see https://www.ucl.ac.uk/isd/how-to/connectlog-to-outlook-2016-for-windows
- Office
All UCL staff and students can install Office on their own devices free of charge, including Outlook for Desktop.
Visit https://www.ucl.ac.uk/isd/services/communicate-collaborate/office-365-professional-plus for instructions.
- Connecting remotely (VPN)
- This is software that you log in to and it connects to the same network as you would on campus. This is required for accessing the shared drives and some other systems like MyHR.
- If you have a Desktop@UCL device, you should already have 'Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client' installed on your device - check by opening the start menu and searching for AnyConnect. If you do, open it, make sure it says 'vpn.ucl.ac.uk', click connect and enter your details.
- If you are on your own device, go to https://www.ucl.ac.uk/isd/services/get-connected/remote-working-services/ucl-virtual-private-network-vpn and follow instructions there
- Shared drives
- You need to be connected to the 'VPN' to access UCL file storage - see above.
- Set up shared drive (S:/): https://www.ucl.ac.uk/isd/how-to/filestoreucl-adding-shared-s-drive-to-windows-machine
- Set up personal drive (N:/) following the relevant guide listed at the end of: https://www.ucl.ac.uk/isd/services/file-storage-sharing/home-n-drive
- Other apps
- You may be able to access other apps via Desktop@UCL Anywhere, a virtual desktop. See https://www.ucl.ac.uk/isd/services/computers/remote-access/desktopucl-anywhere Note this does not work for role accounts, e.g. student staff accounts like uczx022
- For Exchequer help, see Exchequer (Finance).
For guidance on how best to use Slack and Teams as communication and collaboration tools at the Union, see: