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Your manager should have submitted a New Staff Systems Setup Request form, which will be processed and allow you access to most things within a day or two. (Shared drive access can take slightly longer).

If you have any special IT working from home or remote working requirements, contact for assistance. 

Logging in to your account for the first time

If you're brand new at UCL, first, you'll need to contact UCL Information Services (ISD) to set up your user account password.

(Note, if you've previously worked as staff at UCL, are a Sabb, or are a student staff account, this won't apply).

A "computer representative" (HR or Systems) should have e-mailed UCL Information Services (ISD) to get a ticket reference for you to quote when you request your password.

You should also know your user ID (which might look something like 'uczxnde'). 

Contact ISD via the details on and quote both the ticket reference and your user ID.

Note on logins and e-mails

There are two main usernames you'll use to log in to services online:, e.g. -use as the username for Microsoft services (like Teams). You'll also use this full version for logging in to eduroam, the campus wifi.

User ID,e.g. uczxnde - use as the username for logging in to our website and other UCL services like Citrix Workspace, MyHR etc.

Just to make it more confusing, when logging in to the shared drive, make sure to read the instructions carefully as it may require you to use (with an 'ad.' after the @). This isn't used anywhere else. 

Note you'll also have an e-mail address based on your name (e.g. - this generally isn't used for log-in purposes. Both that e-mail address and your e-mail address go to the same mailbox, so for e-mailing you can use them interchangeably.

Website access

Before Systems can grant you the access on the website your manager has requested, you'll need to log in.


Click 'Log in with UCL'

Enter your user ID (e.g. uczxnde) and your password.

Let know you've logged in.

Who do I contact for support?

Who you contact for support will depend on which system or issue you're having. See this handy table on the intranet:

IT Comparison table

Whoever you contact, please make sure to give them as much information as possible so they can help you resolve the issue.

Support for Outlook, Calendar etc.

For Outlook, Teams, VPN support, etc:

InsideUCL - annual leave and other tools

InsideUCL is UCL's user-friendly web application allowing you to book your annual leave, check training completion, report incidents and other useful administrative tasks from one central spot.

Desk booking in 25 Gordon St

The desk booking tool, and guidance on how to use it, is available at


You should have been e-mailed a Slack invite. If not, contact 

Follow the links in the invite to register for the first time.

Go to or, for a better user experience, you can download and install the Windows app at or the Mac app at

Enter 'studentsunionucl' as the workspace and click continue

Enter your e-mail (probably your full name e-mail like but might be your e-mail) and Slack password (not UCL password) and you should be in.

In case you forgot your password/ login details you can reset it clicking “forgot password” under the login form.

For guidance on how best to use Slack and Teams as communication and collaboration tools at the Union, see:

How to use Slack and Teams


To get Teams set up and to get a bit of an idea of how it works, visit UCL's page at:

For guidance on how best to use Slack and Teams as communication and collaboration tools at the Union, see:

How to use Slack and Teams

Microsoft Office applications

All Office apps are available in really quite good online versions via your browser at

For Desktop apps, all UCL staff and students can install Office on their own devices free of charge, including Word, Excel and Outlook for Desktop.

Visit for instructions.

You can also use all of these tools in the browser - log in to and you can see all the apps on the left hand menu.

Outlook e-mail

You will have your own inbox, and then may also use 'shared mailboxes'. Shared mailbox access should be requested by your manager.

Through Outlook on your desktop

If you're using a UCL device and are logged in, Outlook should automatically be configured for you.

On another device, to setup your mailbox follow the "How to guides by application" on to set things up.

To add your shared mailboxes, follow

Through the browser

To access your personal mailbox via the browser, just visit and log in

You can access shared mailboxes through that this way:If the left hand menu doesn't show your name, click on 'More'. 

When it does show your name, right click on your name and select 'Add shared folder...'

Start typing and select the shared mailbox.

Click 'Add'. It should appear below your name as a new set of folders to open.

You can set up Outlook application as well if needed - see

Connecting remotely (off-campus)

This is software that you log in to and it connects to the same network as you would on campus. This is required for accessing the shared drives and some other systems like MyHR.

If you have a Desktop@UCL device, you should already have 'Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client' installed on your device - check by opening the start menu and searching for AnyConnect. If you do, open it, make sure it says '', click connect and enter your details.

If you are on your own device, go to and follow instructions there

Shared drives

If you are not on campus and/or connected to eduroam, you need to be connected to the 'VPN' to access UCL file storage - see above.

Your manager will need to have requested access to specific shared drive folders via the staff setup form or, and then ISD can take a day or two to process the request.

To access your shared drive folders (S:/):

Set up personal drive (N:/) following the relevant guide listed at the end of:​


The intranet is a really useful source for staff information like policies, procedures, team structures etc.

Visit it at

Add it as your homepage following the instructions here.


If you're going to line manage student staff, or work in a Finance or HR function, you'll likely need access to StaffSavvy. 

To create an account, complete:

Talk to your manager about which units you will need and ask them to authorise your account.

For more information, visit

Working from home equipment

Please note the Union only provides ergonomic supports for working from home, i.e. laptop riser, keyboard and mouse. This should be raised as part of your DSE assessment.

Otherwise, the contractual place of work is in the office, so working from home is treated as a preference and therefore as stated here in the UCL guidance, the equipment is at the expense of the employee. This means we do not provide monitors/screens or other hardware.

Discuss with your manager and contact for any queries on DSE or working from home equipment.

Other IT

We have a handy guide on what IT to use for what purposes at Union IT - what to use for what

Some suggestions:

You may be able to access all the key UCL services via Desktop@UCL Anywhere, a virtual / remote desktop. See Note this does not work for role accounts, e.g. student staff accounts like uczx022

For guidance on how best to use Slack and Teams as communication and collaboration tools at the Union, see: How to use Slack and Teams

For Exchequer help, see Exchequer (Finance).