Everything you need to know about the General Election Find out more

Access requirements

Students' Union UCL staff


Where to find


Total number of TeamUCL members

Statistics snapshots → Club/Society members → Club members


Total number of Project Active tickets sold per month / unique students purchasing ticket

Statistics snapshots → Events → Project Active


Total number of Project Active unique students purchasing ticket

Statistics snapshots → Events → Project Active


Total number of students engaged with community volunteering

Statistics snapshots → Volunteering → Community volunteering


Total number of students engaged with CRIS

Statistics snapshots → CRIS


Total number of students who are members of an Arts Society

Statistics snapshots → Club/Society members → Club/Society memberships in category "Arts"


Number of events with ‘Postgraduate’ check box checked each month

Statistics snapshots → Events → Events - Postgraduate - events starting in month


Percentage of PG students taking part in at least one Union-run activity or event (ticket holder, c&s member, volunteer, etc)

Statistics snapshots → Student member engagement → Postgraduate students → Postgraduate students engaged with Union in any way (apart from logged in)


Total number of tickets sold via the website each month

Statistics snapshots → Online shop → Items sold for product variation type Event


Number of students joining one or more club or society each month


Is this new people, or just any users who have bought a membership that month?

Percentage turnout in the Leadership Race

Go to the Election -> Live stats


Percentage of postgraduate students among Leadership Race voters

Go to the Election -> Live stats


Percentage of uncontested Officer positions


Sabb + Student? "Uncontested" meaning only one candidate, or no candidates?

Knowledge base


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