Everything you need to know about the General Election Find out more

Step 1

Check with Union Finance to see whether the item was bought by the club (Non Grant) or by the Union for the club (Grant).

Step 2

For low value items e.g. old sports kit, leaflets, banners, props, costumes etc then please dispose in an environmentally sound way by recycling or donating to charity. The Union does not need to be informed of this unless these items are on your inventory (you can request a list from [email protected]).

Step 3

If it is non grant funded then ensure your committee has approved the disposal and record this in the minutes of a general meeting.

Step 4

If it is grant funded then you should email the Student Activities Reception stating why you wish to sell or dispose of the item. Depending on the circumstances and residual value, the Union may require a proportion of the proceeds of the sale returned to us.

Step 5

Once permission has been gained then go ahead and sell/dispose of the items and ensure Students' Union UCL is made aware once they have gone. We will update your inventory accordingly.

Step 6

For items valued above £150 we require the money to be paid direct via electronic transfer to the Students' Union UCL bank account. For low value items, cash or cheques can be banked via the Union cashier, 4th floor, 25 Gordon Street.

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