All clubs and societies must have a president and treasurer, elected by the members of the club/society through an online election (or at an AGM or EGM). Your constitution will also lay out what other committee members you need to elect each year.
If any committee member wishes to resign before the end of their period of office, they can do so by submitting their resignation in writing to Please note, anyone resigning should also cc the Activities & Engagement Officer ( and their president/treasurer where possible.
Club and society committees or members must not pressurise individuals to resign from roles.
In the instance where your group are facing issues working with a member of your committee, please email in the first instance. Our staff team will work with you to help resolve the issues where possible, or reach out to the relevant committee member on your behalf.
Where appropriate, your club/society can carry out a vote of no confidence in a committee member, which will allow you to vote to remove a committee member from their post.
Please refer to point 5.6 of the Club and Society Regulations to see the requirements needed for a no confidence motion.
Step 1
If a president or treasurer chooses to resign before the end of their period of office they must submit their resignation in writing to Please also cc the Activities & Engagement Officer ( and your president/treasurer. All other committee positions should submit their resignation in writing to, cc'ing their president/treasurer.
Step 2
If a committee member resigns from their post during the year, you can fill this position through a by-election. A by-election can be held online, or through an EGM in-person. If you would like to request an online by-election, please submit our Online By-Election Request Form.
If you are hosting an in-person EGM, you must carefully follow our guidance on how to run an EGM. Please note, if all the requirements outlined on this page are not followed, your EGM will not be valid.
While you are awaiting the outcome of an online by-election or EGM, a member of your club/society may act as an 'interim' committee member.
Step 3
If you have concerns about a committee member, for example they have not responded to messages or requests for a meeting over a significant period of time, please get in touch with us at A member of our staff team will work with you to help resolve any issues where possible.
If it is not possible to informally resolve the issues with our support, you may wish to carry out a motion of no confidence.
A motion of no confidence can be called against any club/society committee member, either through:
- a petition signed by at least 15% of the membership of the club/society or 10 (whichever is greater), or
- a two-thirds majority vote at a club/society committee meeting.
Step 4
If a motion of no confidence is successfully called against a committee member, the club/society must either carry out a vote of no confidence at an in-person EGM, or through an online referendum. If you would like to request an online referendum, please submit our Online Referendum Request Form.
Please note, you must follow the guidance on how to organise an EGM carefully or your results may be invalid. At an in-person EGM, the vote of no confidence must be supported by two-thirds of those present and voting. Alternatively you can request an Online By-Election.
Step 5
If the vote of no confidence is successful, you must email the outcome to Your club/society will need to hold an online by-election or EGM to fill the vacant position.
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