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It is vital that all accidents and near misses are reported to the Union.

Students’ Union UCL recognises that in spite of all reasonable precautions accidents/incidents/near misses can still occur during activities. The following procedures are designed to:

  • provide fast and safe help to all concerned.
  • to supply the Union/UCL with the specific information needed.
  • to protect the individual(s) concerned their relatives, the Activity Organiser, Activity Leaders and Union officials, from any media involvement.

Clubs and societies must recognise that the reporting of all near miss occurrences is also vital for the future safety of all individuals; as such information helps others to plan and prepare in order to avoid possible dangers. Clubs and societies must also be aware of the legal obligation to record all injuries or accidents. Finally, you must recognise that in serious circumstances unofficial statements and apparently innocent comments may affect any subsequent legal proceedings, and may lead to relatives being contacted by the media rather than the police.

Report an incident or accident:

In all accidents, injuries or near miss cases, you must complete an Incident/Accident Report Form online via UCL RiskNet no later than 24 hours after the incident.

Report an incident on UCL RiskNet here.

In the event of an incident on College or Union property the Activity Leader will immediately contact a member of staff, who will be familiar with the relative incident procedure and the availability of First Aiders.

In the event of serious injury or death:

In the event of a death or serious/life threatening injury the following procedure will be adopted:

The Activity Leader will contact the appropriate emergency service, and provide them with any personal details, including next of kin if available.

In the event of a death, the Activity Leader will contact the police, who will advise the next of kin of the fatality. The Activity Leader will ensure that no member of the group advises the next of kin of the fatality.

In the event of death or serious injury, the Activity Leader will contact the University College London Communications Centre 020-7679-3333 (24 hours) and provide the casualty’s name and College ID Card number, details of the incident, and details of the hospital to which the casualty has been taken.

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