Announcing Your Student Leadership Team for the next academic year

We encourage Hall Community Officers to use a budget of £50 to £70 per month to put on their regular events.

For special, one-off events, Hall Community Officers can also apply for funding up to £250  or up to £500 for collaborative events with others Halls Community Officers. 

Funding applications must be submitted at least 3 weeks in advance of the proposed activity date. 

Some examples of things you may request funding for: 

  • Specific events/projects
  • Wellbeing Campaigns and Initiatives
  • Workshops 
  • Resources for activities

Some examples of things you CANNOT request funding for: 

  • Alcohol and Drugs
  • Activity duplicated by the ResLife Programme 
  • Past expenditure that was not approved beforehand 

Your applications will then be reviewed by a staff and officer team. Only applications that are submitted by Halls Community Officers will be considered.


Required field

This should be the total amount of funding you are requesting in this application.

Please note: you can apply for up to £250 for one-off events or £500 for collaborative events with other Halls Community Officers.

Please explain what the funding will be used for, including as much detail as possible. 
Please include any collaborations with other halls or any other relevant information here