Election post

What will you bring to this role (e.g. experience, skills or qualities)?


-Founding President of KCL's ACS Football Club, creating and establishing a new organisation and culture.

-4 yrs as Team Leader at Delaware North, including @London Stadium in the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park, the site of UCL East.

-Bioscience Student Rep at King’s College London (2019-2022)


-BSc Medicine, MSc Leadership and Management. 

-I moved 1y ago to the UK and will be living in OPS. I am friendly, empathic and always ready to help. 

- 7 yrs as Director of Supporting and Wellbeing for students at Uniandes,  Social impact Fellow UoS and chief of interns FSFB.

What do you hope to achieve in the role if you are elected?

We want to lead the creation of an inclusive and supportive culture in UCL East campus, where everyone feels safe, respected and appreciated

We must integrate both UCL’s and East London’s communities into each other to learn, honour and benefit together

We will keep open, easy to reach, communication channels for you to be listened to and for us to action your input, keeping you updated throughout

We propose social events of many kinds, for your different preferences, open to all

We aim to create more leadership roles and opportunities to further establish your student contribution



Please summarise why students should vote for you.

Peter was born, raised and works in East London, enriching the view and knowledge of the area. While Dania, as an international student can understand many of the issues several students may be facing.

With our alliance, we are an inclusive partnership of two, a mix of a local and an international, providing two different perspectives, and sharing one goal!

We will support and represent your views, work closely with the Union and enhance UCL East activities & services. 

YOU should vote US cause we ensure to develop the campus life, will keep working to improve, hear you and take action!