Election post

What do you hope to achieve in the role if you are elected?

This role will not only polish my current interpersonal and leadership skills but also will allow me to interact and network with a like-minded student body at the conference. I enthusiastically aim to develop life-long, healthy connections with students from various institutes and for that, I will represent the UCL student body in the most effective and positive manner if granted this opportunity. Furthermore, my plan is to explore and learn in a multitude of avenues including educational, communicational, and extra-curricular aspects from the NUS experience.

What will you bring to this role (e.g. experience, skills or qualities)?

I have gained confidence and experience in the field of representing students since high school. Being elected as the deputy Headboy in 2017-2018, in Beaconhouse Margalla Campus Islamabad, and then the Headboy in 2018-2019, I have gathered a lot of experience in being the voice for students; I led 25 Executive Council meetings and 30 events; I was the Head Organiser of 14 productive social-awareness events. My passion has been leading the student body from the front. Moreover, being the Head of Community at UCL Venture Capital Club has trained me to respond to students' demands effectively. 

Please summarise why students should vote for you.

Being a public speaker throughout my life, I have not only organised student-led conferences like the BMI Debating Conference and the London Start-up Fair (LSF), but also have participated in the conferences speaking on behalf of my institute (UCL) and its students. Underlying this initiative is my drive to promote a positive social atmosphere for students. I have served the student body as the Executive at UCL Entrepreneurs Society and Director of LUMS Consulting Group, Pakistan's largest student-led consulting society, where I organised Pakistan's biggest consulting competition: LCC.