Election post

I have been heavily involved in sport throughout my 4 years at UCL and have enjoyed every moment of it! As President of the Lacrosse Club last season, I learnt the ins and outs of running a club and supporting a community. As a Sports Rep this year, I have been a vocal member of the Activities Zone and contributed to several TeamUCL campaigns. Having competed as a first team lacrosse player and also joined UCL basketball as a complete beginner, I have experienced TeamUCL as a competitor and as a novice, and I would love to use all of this to help even more people enjoy sport at UCL.
If elected, I would focus on:
- Increasing inter-club cohesion: by hosting more joint club events (e.g. TeamUCL Sports Day, welcome mixer for committees, and joint fundraising drives).
- Beginners: creating more trial opportunities and reducing barriers to participation.
- Collaboration: Termly Sports Officer’s Town Hall, for clubs to share ideas and ask questions.
- Inclusion: Build on the TeamUCL against Hate campaign and review clubs’ mandatory training.
- Improving TeamUCL identity: More recognition of elite athletes, award winners and non-BUCS clubs; more featured fixtures.
Having run a large club that plays a pretty niche sport, and as a medical student, heavily involved in UCL sport, I’d be well positioned to support all clubs, big and small, UCL and RUMS, and all members pro and novice. I am very easy-going and approachable and would be eager to hear about any changes that you’d want made. As a Sports Rep this year, I have enjoyed getting to know people from a range of clubs and representing all your interests at meetings and Activities Zones. I would love the opportunity to continue and build upon this foundation next year, as your Sports Officer!