Election post

I have experience within societies as both a member and within various committee positions: I have dealt with our SU in this capacity for nearly two years, and am utterly committed to transforming it where I and many others have recognised these processes could be better reflective and streamlined.
Simply, I want societies to be able to function as smoothly as possible and believe I have the internal knowledge of how our SU functions to achieve that. I promise to listen to you and your concerns and bring them to the table in a way that creates change and brings accountability.
I will overhaul the society reimbursement process, speaker and room booking system. At present, these are not working for SU staff - who are often overburdened and underpaid - and nor is it working for us. I will ensure these are transformed in a way that takes into account the needs of both society committees and members.
I promise to hold our SU to account when it comes to student voice and genuine representation of the needs/wants of students. Leading a society should be fun and enjoyable, not one often overshadowed by the stress of slow bureaucracy and mismanagement.
If you want a Students' Union that caters to the genuine needs of students and our societies: vote for me! I have vast experience on the committees of various societies, as President, Treasurer, Collaborations Officer and Social Media Manager. I will use my experience and past difficulties with dealing with the Students' Union, as well as listening to your concerns, to radically transform the relationship between grassroots student societies and the bureaucracy of the SU.
¡Hasta la victoria siempre!