Election post

It’s easy to visit galleries and appreciate art without considering the business industry behind it. The Art Business Society provides insight into this industry, and for this reason, I would like to become a more active member of the society. This endeavour will be rewarding not only because of the amazing opportunities to interact with leading practitioners within the industry but also to create a thought-provoking and welcoming space for discourses to occur. This society has created a platform for members, myself included, to be inspired by the talks and want to learn more about this enigmatic industry. My enthusiastic approach will be an asset to maintaining the already established standards of this society. I am confident in reaching out to potential speakers and look forward to bringing in new and exciting ways to reach wider audiences and further explore the world of art business. Networking and bringing people together is something that I enjoy and organising events aligns with this. As a first year History of Art student, my interest in art encompasses a wide variety of influences that can be utilised for the benefit and enrichment of the society. I possess the qualities of organisation, initiative, and creativity; all essential for this role. By considering me for the position of Deputy Events Officer you can be assured that my contribution to the society and community as a whole will take the society to the next level.