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National Federation of Parks & Green Spaces
The National Federation of Parks and Green Spaces (NFPGS) is the umbrella organisation that aims to amplify the voices of Friends Groups across the UK. The Federation works with the dynamic and inspirational grassroots movement of over 6,000 local Friends of Parks groups, supporting volunteers who act on behalf of the communities who use and care about our vital public green spaces of all…
Idea for research
Idea for research
Our community research proposal aims to investigate and enhance the management of volunteers within individual Friends groups associated with parks and green spaces. The National Federation of Parks and Green Spaces has identified the need to understand and establish good practices for managing volunteers within these groups, ensuring their effectiveness and sustainability. The emphasis is on fostering a supportive community among volunteers, while addressing challenges such as recruitment difficulties.

Potential avenues of research are:

(1) Volunteer Support Practices:
a. Explore and document existing volunteer support practices within Friends groups.
b. Identify challenges and successes in managing volunteers without paid staff.
c. Examine the impact of volunteer support on the overall effectiveness of Friends groups.

(2) Best Practices in Volunteer Management and Safeguarding:
a. Investigate models of successful volunteer management within Friends groups and other organisations with the Voluntary and Community sector.
b. Explore the role of leadership, communication, and training in volunteer coordination.
c. Assess the relevance of these practices in ensuring the sustainability of Friends groups and identify any other practices that are also successful

(3) Recruitment Challenges:
a. Examine the barriers preventing Friends groups from participating in volunteer management initiatives.
b. Identify strategies to overcome recruitment challenges and encourage group participation.
c. Understand the specific needs and concerns of Friends groups related to volunteering.
Impact of idea
The research proposed holds significant potential to positively influence both the National Federation of Parks and Green Spaces and other organisations sharing a similar mission. For the National Federation, the findings could offer practical insights and guidelines to optimise the management of Friends groups, increasing safeguarding and enhancing their ability to maintain and improve local green spaces. This research also has broader implications, providing a practical roadmap for organisations dealing with volunteer groups. By addressing challenges like safeguarding, recruitment, and fostering a supportive community among volunteers, the study could contribute to creating more resilient and effective volunteer networks. The effects of these improvements extends beyond individual organisations, positively impacting the overall landscape of community-driven initiatives and their ability to achieve shared goals.
This research will utilize a purely qualitative approach, incorporating methods such as interviews, focus group discussions, and thematic analysis. Surveys may be used to gather additional qualitative insights. Data analysis will involve thematic analysis of qualitative data to understand the nuances and complexities of volunteer management within Friends groups. NFPGS hope to be able to make the final research available on their website as a resource for all Friends groups to use.

NFPGS has produced its own support guide to help groups with the recruitment and management of volunteers. This is available via the sister website, Parks Community UK: https://parkscommunity.org.uk/how_to_guide/recruiting-and-managing-volunteers/

For the voluntary sector in general, the NCVO is a good starting point for investigating available resources:

NFPGS are offering to help in identifying participant Friends groups to be involved in the study. The student will have access to a dedicated trustee from NFPGS for any support and guidance they might need.

If you have any existing data or information you would like included in a project, please tell us what kind of data these are

What new data or information would you like to be collected in this project?

Application process
Application criteria
Having an interest in the role of people and their relationships in contributing to places, spaces and local quality of life. A flexible mindset, research skills. Ability to work with non-academics.
Is this project fully accessible to students with the disabilities?