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Kentish Town Community Center
We are an innovative multi-purpose building in the heart of Kentish Town.  ​We offer spaces for hire, support for local people and we run projects for the community that include our award winning Youth Service, Older Peoples Project, The Kentish Town Arts Club and our Recipe Kit project The Food Hub.
Idea for research
Idea for research
The Kentish Town Community Centre has gathered information on memberships since 2019 which shows how the centre has been used but would like to identify gaps in the information that would allow broadening membership and use of the facilities. Currently have over 1000 members but this data needs to be analysed to target more users.
We also need to understand how to disseminate the information to a community that is quite diverse.

We have always followed a more demographic model of provision eg. older people, youth, under-5s. We are shifting to a more thematic model, say around fitness, food. How to articulate what we do and with what benefits is important to us. The role of community centres for people and communities needs articulated. Reasons why some people come versus where the gaps are - who is not coming?

We're a highly functioning centre, with good systems. Reasons to think about co-designing research with us: we're a safe environment that we'd like you to immerse in if you can; we're really community-driven; we have space for things to be done e.g. workshops or interventions; and Sarah (the lead contact) is doing a PhD and so understands the world of dissertations!
Impact of idea
Aim to match the demographic of the community centre used to represent the Kentish town community.
This will allow for an increase in the use of the facility and encourage a hub and spoke model where people can come and discuss issues including mental health, family services, health etc.
In addition, the facility can be used for community-led sessions such as mental health, mindfulness etc
Ideally would like to be on site for 2 days a month minimum to see how the centre works.

If you have any existing data or information you would like included in a project, please tell us what kind of data these are

Application process
Application criteria
Willingness to learn
Ability to connect ideas and withstand challenged
Data analysis
DBS needed
Is this project fully accessible to students with the disabilities?