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Islington Climate Centre
Run by volunteers and launched in 2021, the Centre is a vibrant community hub and a solution-oriented education centre, building community resilience and adaptation for a sustainable future in Islington and beyond.
Idea for research
Idea for research
Run by volunteers and launched in 2021, the Islington Climate Centre is a vibrant community hub and a solution-oriented education centre, building community resilience and adaptation for a sustainable future in Islington and beyond. We are an important connector in the sustainability space, linking together communities, organisations, and authorities to engage and connect people through thought leadership and community events.

We are seeking a master’s student to produce a research project on civil society emergency responses. We are seeking to understand the innovators in this field and learn from best practice, so we can create an effective community emergency planning strategy here in Islington. We are particularly interested in the effective organisation and mobilisation of community volunteers during emergencies.

We are flexible in terms of the directions and methodologies this project may take. The student would be encouraged to study local examples, such as the London Communities Emergencies Partnership (LCEP), and to look further afield within and beyond the UK. We’d also be interested in understanding how to better prepare London for flooding from an architectural perspective, if this is more interesting to students.
Impact of idea
The Centre is entirely volunteer run so having a dedicated master’s student applying their research skills to our mission will be massively impactful in itself!

This project will enable us to:
• Understand best practice for civil society emergency responses.
• Be informed about what other groups are doing in the London community and beyond.
• Prepare an effective community emergency planning strategy.

Ideally the student would create condensed best practice guidelines for actioning an effective community emergency response, as their Community Product.

If you have any existing data or information you would like included in a project, please tell us what kind of data these are

What new data or information would you like to be collected in this project?

Application process
Application criteria
Open to all students
Is this project fully accessible to students with the disabilities?