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Anniereetha Moses (Chemical Engineering MEng) was the Treasurer of Engineering Society (2022-23), one of our departmental societies and our largest STEM Society!

Why did you get involved with Engineering Soc? What led you to run for the positions you held this year?  

My first year was fully online due to the pandemic, so I wanted to join a society to engage more in student life. I attended UCLES events (social and academic) and enjoyed them. I decided to apply for Welfare Officer and succeeded last year, by its end we had already established a family amongst the committee and made some incredible memories. It was an easy decision to apply again as Treasurer this year, I wanted our society to make some of the biggest and amazing events for our members and students. 

What’s so good about being part of a departmental society? 

The collaboration it offers with other departments, external societies and student bodies. We can output a more diverse range of events and programs at large scale by being departmental and working together. There is also reliable support and help provided whenever we need it. 

What’s it like leading the largest STEM society at UCL? 

I find it fun and spontaneous. We get to work with incredible sponsors and impact student life with our events. From our Halloween party to Engineering Week, we offer students the opportunity to try new things, socialize or meet career-changing people, it is very fulfilling. By being the largest STEM society, there is also no one type of event we are limited to.

Could you tell us more about your London 2050 event? 

It is our Flagship event; esteemed industry professionals and professors are invited to a panel discussion regarding the future of engineering, technology, and energy in London and beyond as we approach the 2050 net zero target . This year, it was powered by our platinum sponsor Qualcomm, and UCL professors from Mechanical Engineering, Chemical Engineering, and Crime and Security science attended. It is our largest academic event and fuelled by UCLES' initiative toward a sustainable future.

What are your personal UCLES highlights from the year?

I personally loved the Trivia Night because it brought sheer chaos and laughter, and the Careers Fair so we could interact with our sponsors. However, working with the committee is the biggest highlight, not just for the fun of it, but also because our mutual support. I know the events and programs we run would be impossible without all of our contributions, and for them I am thankful.