What are Social Hackathons?

Heard of the term ‘Hackathon’ before? If not, imagine gathering a group of tech whizzes to hack a problem within a limited period of time. Our Social Hackathons are similar but we’ve put our own spin on it - they’re our problem-solving and solution-creating events that give UCL volunteers a first-hand insight into the third sector.

Volunteers are placed with a local not-for-profit organisation for one day, devising and implementing solutions to issues they currently face. In teams, the volunteers develop skills, learn about the Third Sector from its own professionals and connect with new communities across London.

As you work with a group of UCL students, it's a great chance to make new friends, as well as develop your skills and make an impact with a charity!

Read more about our previous hackathons and what students got out of them here.

November Social Hackathons 2022, students working with  Voluntary Action Camden (VAC) to develop a brief for the evaluation of the Camden Community Action Research Programme.

Social Hackathon, March 2023

If you are up to take the challenge and complete a hack, don't forget to apply before the 16 of January!

You are asked to provide details on your knowledge and experience, and what you would like to get out of volunteering - this will allow us to pair you with our community partner, The Renewal Programme.

November Social Hackathons 2022, students working with Starfish to generate new ideas for campaigns and social media content, with the aim of using Starfish’s 21 Years Campaign as a way to reach new and old donors.

What is the Renewal Programme?

The Renewal Programme is a well-established and respected local charity based in the London Borough of Newham.

They support those who are facing multiple challenges - they might be a carer, migrant or refugee without access to public funds, suffering with homelessness, experiencing poverty, or unable to communicate in English. They empower people to reach their full potential through offering advocacy, education, temporary accommodation and a wide range of positive activities.

They support over 3000 people a year and have been working with Newham communities for over 50 years.  

Reach out to us if you have any questions!