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TeamUCL is here if you want to follow your passion for a particular sport. So, what's sports like at UCL? Hear from some of the people that are part of TeamUCL. 

Bringing with them a range of experiences, we spoke to Makar, Nicholas, Annie and Lottie on what they thought about Team UCL. 

Makar - Law and French Law LLB, UCL Badminton (Social team). Makar has spent five years playing it on and off with friends and family, but never competitively.

Nicholas - BA Language and Culture, UCL Volleyball Mixed Team. Nicholas has never played before.

Annie - Biological Sciences, UCL Lacrosse Social Team. Annie has no previous experience playing lacrosse and had never even seen it played.

Lottie - Neuroscience, UCL Netball 1’s. Lotties been in her school's 1st team: Team Bath.

What has been the best part of being a member of a sports club at UCL?

Makar: Meeting so many new people. Clubs are great opportunities for freshers to socialise with people not in their degree, and Badminton has a LOT of members. It almost seems overwhelming at first, but everyone is very friendly and supportive, which makes the club a great place to be.

Nicholas: The best part of being a member of a sports club at UCL for me has been having the opportunity to meet and play with people doing all sorts of different courses.

Annie: I gained an entire new group of friends separate from both my course and halls. Lacrosse helped me feel more connected to the university as a whole. For the first few weeks lacrosse helped to structure my time at university.

Lottie: Meeting like-minded people from different courses and years who you wouldn’t come in to contact with otherwise.

Your memories of what your first few weeks were like in UCL and with your club?

Makar: Honestly, I felt kind of lost. The badminton courts were frequently full and many people would be very closed off, huddling in groups with people from their own course. However, the lesson I learned is that if you take the initiative and just go up to people, they are always happy to open up and get to know you. Also, playing badminton in itself tends to get people more competitive, and more relaxed with talking to others.

Nicholas: The first couple of weeks at uni were quite overwhelming for me, it was just a lot of new information to take in and get used to but UCL Volleyball Club were fantastic at welcoming me and making me feel like I belonged.

Annie: At the start of term there was less work to do and less close friends around so it was tempting to spend a large amount of time alone in my room. The organised sport and socials offered by the club encouraged me to keep active.

Lottie: Everyone is really welcoming and makes you feel at home straight away. Being part of a club like netball meant that I had a pre-formed support system which massively helped with my confidence in going out and meeting other people at UCL.


What advice would you give to incoming students?

Makar: My advice would be, whether you come alone or with some friends, make an effort to branch out. Even if you do talk to just one new person within the course of a session, it will definitely pay off and you will get a much friendlier impression of the club.

Nicholas: Put yourself out there! Sign up and try things out, even if you think it’s crazy! It’s one of the best ways to discover new interests and potentially an awesome new friend group.

Annie: My advice for new students is the more you give to UCL by taking advantage of the sport on offer the more you get back. It’s always easier not try something new but it’s always worth it when you do. 

Lottie: Definitely be yourself and try to put yourself out of your comfort zone when it comes to trying new things or joining societies. Say yes to as many opportunities as you can in the first few weeks and try and be as confident as possible as this will massively help when it comes to settling in and feeling comfortable as part of a club.


Favourite memory of your first year with your sports club?

Makar: Going to social events. Although I’m not that big on going to parties, the social events organised by the Badminton Committee last year helped me realise that the club shouldn’t be something you force yourself to go to play more sport, but rather go to socialise, and get a nice little workout in as a bonus.

Nicholas: Being selected for one of the UCL Volleyball Mixed teams and all the highs and lows of a year spent training and competing, culminating in winning the League

Annie: One of my favourite memories with the lacrosse club is watching our 1st teams play King’s College in the varsity tournament. Supporting a UCL team made me proud of both my university and my club and I can’t wait to do it all again next year.

Lottie: Definitely beating Kings at Varsity and winning the Varsity series for UCL!

If you are looking to get involved take a look at our club directory If you have any questions, please message us too.  

Thanks to all of the students that sent in information to help out the new incoming students.

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