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Sara Treneman is a MSc Social Policy and Social Research student within the Institute of Education. In this bite-size story; Sara shares the connections she made at the CRIS Networking event and her budding dissertation idea.
Sara (pictured top right) with fellow students listening to a representative from Brateau Foundation.

What were your expectations when you came to the Networking Event?

I was hoping to speak to some interesting people about the work they are doing, and eat some free croissants!

Can you describe any stand out conversations you had with organisations?

I had a great conversation with Michelle from the Breteau Foundation - she seemed really passionate about education technology, which is something I didn’t know about before. I also had a great chat with Meg and Veronika from London Nightline - such lovely people doing such interesting and important work.

Tell me about your experience chatting about collaborative dissertations with organisations at this event?

I quickly established that London Nightline were looking for research that also interested me. We discussed the kind of methods they would like and the broad questions they wanted the research to answer. Since we were on the same page we swapped contact details to discuss the project in more detail at a later date. Overall it felt like Meg and Veronika were really passionate about the project and had some really cool ideas that will work really well for my dissertation.

What are your main takeaways from the event?

I’m so glad I attended! Beyond just interesting conversation and some free food I’ve found a fantastic charity to partner with for my dissertation, which has made me far more excited to get started on my research project!