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Ramadan Mubarak! To everyone celebrating over the coming month

For Muslims, Ramadan is the holiest month of the year, a time for reflection, where Muslims refrain from eating and drinking during daylight hours, and focus on prayer, purification and charitable acts. Ramadan is expected to happen from around 22 March until 22 April 2023.

A message from Welfare and Community Officer, Umair

Support During Ramadan

UCL Student Support and Wellbeing

UCL's Student Support and Wellbeing team have published 7 tips for students on studying and staying healthy during Ramadan.

Our Shop and Print Room Cafe

We're keeping our Bloomsbury Shop open until 20:00 (and 20:30 after the Easter break) so those breaking their fast have somewhere to pick up essentials. Print Room Cafe will also be open late (until 20:00) with lots of additional Halal food and snacks available every evening.

Islamic Society

Throughout Ramadan, UCL ISoc will be hosting daily Iftar on campus after Maghrib prayer. Come along to the South Quad Pop Up for iftar and taraweeh.

ISoc also publishes lots of support and guidance throughout the month.

Celebrating in London

For the first time, Regent Street in London has been decorated with Ramadan lights - let us know if you visit the lights, and tag us on insta @studentsunionucl

Image from https://aboutislam.net/muslim-issues/europe/london-streets-decorate-for-ramadan/