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UCL East Student Forum

We're really keen to hear from students about their experiences of living and studying at UCL East.

On Wednesday 25 May , we held our third and final UCL East Forum of the academic year. The full minutes of the Forum can be found below. We've been really pleased about how responsive and engaged UCL East Staff have been at the Forum.

Below the minutes, you can also find a study space rota for after term finishes, through to the end of August.

We are now looking forward to the summer and planning for the opening of the Marshgate campus in September 2023!

UCL East Academic Experience Survey

One of the exciting projects that we discussed at the UCL East Student Forum was the first UCL East Academic Experience Survey led by one of our UCL East Students' Officer - Dania Hernandez. Thank you to everyone who completed the survey and shared it with their peers. The full result of the survey can be found below:


In response to student feedback, the following recommendations have been suggested:

  • Re-survey UCL East students on an annual basis to gain a larger sample size.
  • Conduct an accessibility audit of the campus to ensure that it is accessible for all students.
  • Evaluate current course structures and seek student feedback on individual programmes.
  • Increase social opportunities for students to establish a stronger learning community feel.
  • Review support mechanisms provided by Course Teams and the Union for Academic Reps.
  • Ensure that feedback loops are closed so that students are aware of what action has been taken in response to their feedback.

How can you help?

We would like this survey and it's results to be discussed as widely as possible! Here is some advice about how you can help:

  • Read through the survey results, do you agree with the recommendations?
  • Raise the survey results with your Personal Tutor.
  • If you are an Academic Rep, mention the survey results in your next meeting.
  • Discuss the survey results with your friends and peers.

If you have any specific feedback, please contact [email protected].