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We talked to Sadiya Khanom, your Mature and Part-Time Students’ Officer for 2019 - 2020. She would love to get to know all the students that she is representing, so come along to her walk in talk sessions or her coffee mornings. Here's a bit more about herself.

What are you studying now?

I’m at the Institute of Education doing a BA in Education Studies.

Why did you come back to university as a mature student?

Before coming to UCL, I was doing lots of varied things. I used to be a Theatrical Makeup Artist and I freelanced for a while and also worked in retail. Although it was fun I knew long term I wanted to do something that had more of an impact on people around me. So I went back to college and eventually the time came where I had to apply for university. However, I was quite anxious about going to university as I was a mature student and I thought I would not enjoy the overall experience. How wrong was I? I am so glad I came to UCL as it has been an eye-opening experience! I’ve realised it was the best decision I could have made for myself. No-one is ever  ‘too old’ to learn and wanting to know about things is the first step towards bettering yourself. After my degree, I hope to become a secondary school teacher or maybe explore educational policy.

Why did you want to become the Mature and Part-Time Students’ officer?

I wanted to help other mature and part-time students that might need help. I felt like we’re a little left out, and while we already have to deal with coming to the university as a mature student, I wanted to minimise some of the anxiety us students have to face and build a network for us all so we can get together and support each other. When I first started, I personally found it hard to make friends and socialise with others because people were not the same age as me or we didn’t have the same experiences - this is why I want to make a change and make sure other mature and part-time students’ don’t go through the same thing.

What do you hope to achieve as a Mature and Part-Time Students’ Officer?

I hope to create a community for mature and part-time students, hold different types of events such as coffee mornings and games nights, make students aware that there is an officer specifically there to help them if they have any enquiries or concerns, make mature/part-time students time at UCL more enjoyable.

What can you expect from Sadia?

Someone who is hopeful, kind and ultimately there for you. Whatever problems you have, I am here for you! I’m happy to always meet face to face with students if you have any issues alternatively you can email me on - [email protected].  One of my talents (which also includes sleeping) is replying back to email pretty fast!

I want to be a person you can contact outside of your course, so contact me about anything! Come to my walk in talk sessions or drop into my coffee mornings. I’m here for you!

My events can be found here, and I will be updating this page regularly. 

You can also follow me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/UCLMatureandPTStudents/

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