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On Thursday 21 November, our UCL volunteers helped out at a fantastic event held in Brixton, hosted by Green Shoots Foundation. The charity aims to fight rural poverty in greater Asia and Africa by implementing agricultural development programmes that empower people through education and wider opportunities.

The annual fundraiser focused specifically on the new AgriTech Centre the organisation has established in Cambodia, and their plans to further expand the project with a kitchen area for cooking demos and workshops on nutrition. The construction of this centre aids the education of almost 250 students a year, whilst also supporting rural entrepreneurship.

The night was full of lively chatter and valuable discussion, while guests sipped on the Green Shoots signature cocktail created using the Cambodian butterfly pea flower. The revelries continued with performances of traditional Cambodian rock and roll, that got everyone up and dancing in no time!

An informative presentation updated the guests and partners of the charity’s progress so far and their aspirations for 2020. Our volunteers were there on-hand to serve the guests a classic Cambodian curry dish and encourage them to pledge towards new utensils for the centre’s expansion.

I am delighted to report that the evening raised an incredible £2,300 in pledges and ticket sales! If you are interested in the work Green Shoots Foundation does, check out their organisation to see what they're all about, and a special thanks is due to the charity’s operations manager Muneezay for coordinating such a successful night.

The charity has already made a big impact and their future plans are praiseworthy. It was a joy to see so many people deservedly celebrating their achievements whilst working towards new goals. We wish them luck in their upcoming developments!

Written by Ruth Woodfield - UCL Photojournalist

If you're interested in International Development volunteering roles, check out our directory for all our live opportunities. For other time-light opportunities, take a look at our One-Off Volunteering events where you could get involved in some wonderful events, like the one above!