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Academic Reps do one of the most important jobs in the Union - they make sure you have a voice in your education.

Each month, we’re featuring your reps and the work they’re doing to make UCL better. If you have an idea about how to improve your course, your department or UCL you can contact your own Academic Rep using our Find Your Rep page.

December's Academic Reps of the Month: Kacper, Weili, and Chantal

Kacper, Weili, and Chantal have impressed us by petitioning for an Adobe Premiere Pro license for use on their cohort's personal devices. This petition advocates for students who are not able to access the Adobe Premiere Pro at UCL's editing suites because of transportation strikes or due to an illness. Kacper, Weili, and Chantal have demonstrated an impeccable ability to identify and voice student issues - this is a key responsibility of an Academic Representative. We are proud to know that after many weeks of conversations, emails, and collecting signatures, the trio finally managed to get their petition approved! Now all the students on the Ethnographic and Documentary Film course and the Documentary MFA course can enjoy constant access to Adobe Premiere Pro license wherever they are.

Fantastic Job!

Here's a bit more about Kacper, Weili, and Chantal:

We are Kacper, Weili and Chantal, the current three reps for Ethnographic and Documentary MA.

Chantal in her free time likes people watching, swimming and going to the pub. Weili is a language enthusiast, he speaks Chinese and Japanese and currently is studying French. In his free time, he likes lure fishing, playing football and swimming. He is also orchid and parrots lover. Kacper in his free time enjoy cooking some crazy recipes with his friends, doing yoga or meditating. He also speaks French, Polish and Spanish and would love to learn another language. 

What bring us all together is the love of documentary cinema and the need to help our classmates make their voice being heard. Premiere Pro is really expensive, and it shouldn’t be. It feels good to achieve something through collective action, especially during a period where many are striking, it feels like an important reminder that we should fight to have our voices heard and needs met!

​1) Want a quick and easy way to find your Academic Rep? You can find them in our directory here!

​2)  You can also put forward a nomination for your academic rep for the chance to be 'Rep of the Month'.