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The final Student Sustainability Council session of this academic year took place on 18 April 2023 in a hybrid format. The session focused on strategic priorities around waste reduction and sustainable disposal of waste. Key UCL and Union staff joined the meeting to lead themed discussions and answer questions.

Key discussion points

In 2019 UCL made the commitments: 

  • To be a single-use-plastic free campus by 2024.​
  • To reduce waste per person by 20% by 2024.​
  • To increase our recycling rate to 80%.

The aim of this Sustainability Council was to update the students on UCL’s progress to achieving its commitments around waste, and to work together on how to improve and potentially solve some of UCL’s challenges around waste, including in catering areas, residences and general UCL spaces. 

The student councillors tackled the following discussion points:

  • Food waste and reusables uptake at UCL
  • Student engagement on our recycling and re-use programmes
  • How the Students' Union can support students & student societies to reduce waste, recycle more, and engage in circular economy

Students responded with a comprehensive list of recommendations and observations included in the minutes below. The student feedback will inform UCL's and the Union's next steps on waste management.

Meeting minutes

Minutes: Elli Lee, Sustainable UCL



  • Max Vidotto
  • Paul Monk
  • Elli Lee
  • Cicely Abdy Collins
  • Rohan Perera
  • Joanna Socha


  • Laura Dewhurst
  • Natasha Leerberg
  • Jade Wong
  • Nuzulia Fajriningrum

Discussion 1: How can we reduce the uptake of disposable cups? Lead by Cicely 

  • Clean the coffee cups beforehand - can we have cup cleaning places in cafes as makes it more hygienic
  • Ideal would be having no single-use cups, only having reusable cups available - students were receptive to this idea
  • Student idea: University of Exeter & University of Falmouth - sustainability café trialled in some places, with no disposable cups available
  • Some other universities made the decision to remove all plastics - collapsible cups, free to all users who walked through the day
  • Student idea: coffee machine in the shop you can get your coffee from - bring your own cup only
  • Student idea: during welcome week when students get their Student ID card, give them a keep cup
  • Good feedback on Sustainable UCL training from students

Discussion 2: Sharing resources / communication / residences? Lead by Paul

  • Talked through what's available: The Hanger / WarpIt
  • British Heart Foundation pickups being trialled this year in halls
  • Student idea: want to be able to buy things really cheap like kettles, kitchenware, especially if coming from abroad. Facebook and Vinted and places to look for those products now.
  • Paul: Storage is a problem though, as where would it be kept over the summer
  • Student idea: An event to drop everything to take out everything. Information and promotion would be really key.
  • Really helpful if we did have a second-hand place to get things like irons and vacuum cleaners
  • Paul: Second-hand shop on site, would it work? Student said she used Oxfam.
  • Endgame would be having barcodes on all products that could then be able to sell in the shop and online

Student ideas: 

  • Swap shops a few days in a row so if people see it then they could come back the next day
  • Physical events really help promote second-hand and swapping
  • Stall in Welcome Fair to get the word around and a physical presence
  • Students use UCL Instagram pages, the Union whole year calendars & What's On email that goes out each week is also useful
  • Workshop at the Students Centre, people doing Waste Game - was useful to have a physical presence
  • Organised visits to recycling plants
  • Story of a piece of recycling and where it goes
  • Review the current signage

Discussion 3: How can the Union help? – Lead by Joanna

What items the Union should enable recycling of as a service?

  • Tetrapack products
  • Tech products
  • Batteries recycling
  • Textile products
  • Vapes
  • Elf bars / single use vapes

What are the barriers to the engagement with the Hanger Marketplace?

  • The Hanger Marketplace does not have a good item list / category all in one place
  • One student thought it was clothes only
  • Specific items not easy to find
  • Engagement in physical spaces is very powerful
  • Collect and resell basic appliances
  • Student feedback: Bloomsbury campus shop - refillable products section would be very good

Other Council meetings this year

Visit our Sustainability Council page.