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Access requirements

Election admin

NUS elections have demographic requirements. To run the count, we duplicate the position once voting has closed, including all candidates.

  1. Go to the NUS position.
  2. Click "Clone"
  3. Check "Clone existing candidates?" and then check "Clone existing ballots and votes?"
  4. Run clone.
  5. Edit the new position and rename it, removing 'clone' and adding something to clarify it is the self-definition position.
  6. On the self-definition position:
    1. Go to "Manage candidates"
    2. Edit any candidates that are not self-defining in the demographic and change their status to "Withdrawn".
    3. Edit the post and change vacancies to half the total vacancies, OR the number of candidates, whichever is lower.
    4. Save.
    5. Run count.
    6. These are the self-definition winners.
  7. On the original position:
    1. Go to "Manage candidates"
    2. Edit any candidates that are self-defining in the demographic and change their status to "Withdrawn".
    3. Edit the post and rename it to explain it is not the self-definition position.
    4. Edit the post and change vacancies to the original total minus however many were used/elected in the self-definition position.
    5. Save.
    6. Run count.
    7. These are the non-self-definition winners.

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