LGBTQ+ History Month  Celebrate with us 

Please note: Only Presidents should submit entries into BUCS Individual Championship events.

Step 1

At the beginning of the year take a look on the BUCS website to find any relevant Individual Championship events your club would be interested in competing in.

Step 2

Email the Sports Administrator as soon as you know about an event to register your interest (at least 4 weeks before your event).

You may be emailed by the Sports Administrator about an event but never rely solely on this to be informed about events.

It is the responsibility of the Club President to make all club members aware of the BUCS event relevant to their sport.

It is also the responsibility of the President & Treasurer to verify that each entrant is both a paid club member and eligible to compete i.e. a registered UCL Student.

Step 3

The Sports Administrator will provide you with a deadline for your entry to be emailed to them (this is not the same as the deadline on the BUCS website).

The Sports Administrator will ask you to fill out the Individual Championships Entry Template, to including any specific entry requirements listed on the BUCS website.

Always list your entries in ranked/preferred order.

This must be emailed directly to the Sports Administrator by the deadline. Any entries emailed in after the deadline set by the Sports Administrator may not be submitted.

Please note: The Union pay for entry costs, however if any competitor withdraws after being entered they must pay this cost themselves, plus potential fines.

Step 4

The Sports Administrator will confirm when they have submitted entries to BUCS.

This is not a guarantee that your entry will be accepted (you will only know this when you receive confirmation from BUCS themselves).

Step 5

Once your entries have been accepted by BUCS, you should organise your transport and accommodation. Please take into consideration costs and sustainability (planes to Scotland won't be booked!).

The Union reimburses competitors travel at the price of the cheapest return 16-25 rail card train journey.

You may organise other transport, such as a bus, when it is deemed the most suitable method of transport.

Full price train tickets will also only be reimbursed to the value of a 16-25 railcard ticket.

For nights where you must stay overnight in order to compete (or you would otherwise return to UCL past midnight) the Union will also reimburse accommodation costs (up to £30 per person per night). 

Please note: Airbnb will not be booked by TeamUCL. Please avoid using Airbnb.

Transport and Accommodation details must be sent to the Sports Administrator as soon as possible.

Please note: Club members who are not competing/withdrawn competitors do not get any money reimbursed.

Step 6

Please follow the How to Guide on how to do this. For Individual Championships, only the president can submit a travel reclaim.

Please note: If required, all travel reclaims must be submitted via the travel reclaim system within a month of the event.

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