It's LGBTQ+ History Month Celebrate with us 

You can use this form if you are a UCL Sports Team and you wish to book a table for Sports Night.

Please note the following Terms and Conditions:

Phineas Sports Night table booking rules:

  1. Only the President, Treasurer or Social sec can book a table on the behalf of a Club/ team.
  2. Failure to show for a booking without 4 days prior notice may result in a charge to your club/team or a 2 week booking suspension.
  3. Tables for Sports Night are not bookable for the first two weeks of term 1.
  4. You cannot bring in, consume, or sell your own drinks. If you do they will be confiscated and destroyed. This could also result in being asked to leave and/or a barring.
  5. Any vandalism, theft, threatening behaviour, physical assault, verbal abuse, abuse of fire safety rules, possession of drugs, drunk to the point of removal, indecent exposure or smoking in venue may result in being barred from ALL Union venues, disciplinary action and or a team ban.
  6. All non-students must be signed in by a UCL card holder.